How to accept jobs in LSM? - LabCollector

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How to accept jobs in LSM?

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Job in LSM helps to create tests and add information about information about the test and samples. You can also add information about test like priority levels, purchase order number, if you have received the samples or not, who has requested the jobs (sample collection center if any) or attached a case record (it can be a patient, or a cell line or animal, depending on your lab needs). 

1. Preparing LSM before job submission and creating the job

2. Accepting a job

  • A. By LSMRemote
  • B. By LSM
  • C. By Sample receiving add-on.

1. Preparing LSM before job submission and creating the job

  • You need to prepare the LSM before creating a job.
  • For this purpose you need to configure the tests and parameters.
    *Please read our knowledgebase on how to execute a job in LSM.

2. Accepting a job

  • Depending on your requirements, you can configure if you want to auto accept jobs, or if you want a validation of a lab supervisor or manager to accept the jobs.
  • This can be configured via LSMRemote or LSM add-on.
  • A. By LSMRemote
  • There is an option “allow quote” in the config.ini, where you can select the option to change your job accepting information.
    *Please read our knowledgebase on how to configure options in LSMRemote using config.ini.
  • If “Allow quote” is true , the jobs will be in quoted status and will require acceptance in LSM.
    If “Allow quote” is false , the jobs will be in received status and will NOT require acceptance in LSM.
  • If the job is quoted then you need to open the job and accept or reject it. (Step 1 – 4)
  • Once the job is accepted it moves to “Assigned” state.
  • The rejected job will move to rejected list. LSM -> JOB -> JOB LIST  -> FILTER -> JOB STATUS (REJECTED) ->FINISHED -> GO
  • B. By LSM
  • Inside LSM add-on you can go to LSM -> ADMIN -> SETUP -> JOB REQUESTS-> ACCEPTANCE  

  • 1. You can select this option when you want the jobs to be validated, by a laboratory supervisor, for example.
    • 1.1: You can notify the acceptance of the job requests to job submitters email.
    • 1.2: The notification will be send to requester email.
    • 1.3: Notification email will be send to both 1.1 & 1.2
  • 2. If you choose this option, the jobs will automatically be accepted and be in “Assigned” state.
  • C. By Sample receiving add-on.
  • If you are using sample receiving add-on with LSM, then you can directly accept jobs in batch format.
  • *Please read our knowledgebase on how to configure Sample receiving add-on to connect to LSM add-on.
  • When you configure the sample receiving you can configure the project to auto start/ accept jobs in batch by clicking the check box for the particular project.
  • 1. You can select the check box, to add all the samples (jobs) directly to a batch in LSM, when the plate is finished in sample receiving.
  • 2. You check check the box to AutoStart the batch. Means you wont have to choose to accept or reject jobs in a batch.
  • 3. You can auto accept jobs, as soon as you save the plate.

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