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ELN permissions
ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook) offers to configure permissions to each user as per the lab requirements.
Each user can have a set of permissions configured by the supervisor ONLY. You can also set permissions for your book that you create in ELN.
Follow these steps to configure the permissions in ELN:-
1. Configure the advanced permissions
- Basic
- Advanced
2. Configure the book settings

- Admin level users have extra rights because they have admin-level access. Admins have significant permissions to view and edit many things by default throughout LabCollector and add-ons.
- Being an admin doesn’t involve VAB (View all books) permissions. But if the user is PI, they do see all books of their group (or all books if the group = Full Access)
- VAB access is not set initially. This must be done by the super-admin or admins.
- The default group of Full Access should be reviewed for all users to ensure appropriate content is available for viewing and editing.
- VAB and full access will allow an admin to view and edit all books.
- Individual books/projects have access rights as well.
- Below is the image of the different user levels and group policies in LabCollector.
1. Configure the advanced permissions
- You will see two options- Basic and Advanced
- When you select the Basic option two options in the advanced permissions section will appear.
- Once you have selected the basic settings option, 2 more options will we available:
– 1. Add Book/Project Rules
– 2. [All Books] Tab Access - 1. Add Book/Project Rules:
– The super admin can choose to allow a user or staff to create books or project rules. (*book can be the name of the project)
– The administrator has permission to by default to create the book.
* Please read our KB to see what are users, staff, or admin in LabCollector and what permissions they have in LabCollector.
- 2. [All Books] Tab:
– The super admin can configure access to the “All Books” tab.
NOTE: below you can see some books under the all book section as we have taken a section from ELN with books that were already created.
– The tab access permissions allows:
1. Full access for admins or a specific admin to read and write/edit all books.
* Specific admin meaning there can be more than one admin in ELN. So the super admin can define the permission for each admin specifically.
NOTE : You can see the names below as we already created the users in LabCollector and gave them administrator access.
2. View only (can only view the books but cannot create or edit them) access for staff-level users.
3. View only (can only view the books but cannot create or edit them) access for all users. - NOTE : You CANNOT edit permissions for books in Basic permissions.
- Once you have selected the basic settings option, 2 more options will we available:
- Once you have selected the advanced settings option the options for the basic settings will be greyed out (no more accessible).
- However, you will see the permissions where you can define the PI (Principal Investigator) & permissions for each user.
- 1. Define PI:
– The advanced permission allows you to define one or more PI for each group. Full access will show all the ADMINISTRATOR level users defined in LabCollector.
– NOTE When you click on the groups, then only those people who are assigned to the group will appear.
* For creating groups go to ADMIN -> MANAGE USERS and when you have defined users you can go to MANAGE GROUP POLICIES and create groups. You can add members by going back to MANAGE USERS and assigning groups to already existing members.
– The defined PI/PIs will have all the permission like creating/editing workflows, templates, adding new books, viewing all the books.
*Please see our KB on what are workflows in ELN and how to create them.
*Please see our KB on what are templates in ELN and how to create them.
– The defined PI/PIs can also then define the permissions for individual users.
NOTE You can see the names below as we already created the users in LabCollector and gave them administrator access.
- 1. All Permissions:
– The above-defined PI/PIs above can then define permissions for users in the groups.
– Full access will show all the ADMINISTRATOR level users defined in LabCollector.
– NOTE When you click on the groups, then only those people who are assigned to the group will appear.
– You will see the permissions with various short forms which will allow users to either:
(*Please see our KB on what are workflows in ELN and how to create them.)
(*Please see our KB on what are templates in ELN and how to create them.)
(*Please see our KBs on how to create a book and what is inside a book)
- A. The “All” checkbox selects all the options (C/EW, C/ET, ANB, VAB).
NOTE: Even if you select all options for a User/Staff/Staff+/Visitor, they will only be able to edit the template & chemistry template that they have created. They cannot edit the template & chemistry template created by someone else. They cannot view Workflow templates created by others.
- B. The first checkbox under C/EW, C/ET, ANB, VAB will select all the users below.
NOTE: The people in the group can only view Books to which the Book owner has given permission to view. See the below section for Book permissions.
2. Configure the Book permissions
- In the ELN add-on go to HOME -> NEW BOOK/PROJECT
- When you create a new book, at the end of the page of the book you can configure the settings for the book you created.
- This “create a book” option will only be available to you if the super admin has given you access to create a new book.
- You will see an image like below with the users that you created inside LabCollector.
(*Please see our KBs on how to create a book and what is inside a book)
NOTE: You can see the names below as we already created the users in LabCollector and gave them administrator access.
NOTE: Any person who is allowed access to the book is a collaborator (except the owner of the book). - The person/user who has the right to sign the page will show a small certificate
icon in front of their name
- The owner/creator of the book can set 2 permissions for his book.
A. Change the owner of the book.
- When you click on this option you will see the below pop-up with the names of users that you have created in LabCollector.
NOTE: You can see the names below as we already created the users in LabCollector and gave them administrator access.
- You can choose the owner of the book. Normally it is the creator of the book who is the owner. But the owner can replace him/herself with other people as the owner.
- You can also import users from another group.
* For creating groups go to ADMIN -> MANAGE USERS and when you have defined users you can go to MANAGE GROUP POLICIES and create groups. You can add members by going back to MANAGE USERS and assigning groups to already existing members. - Once you are done you can click on submit.
- When you click on this option you will see the below pop-up with the names of users that you have created in LabCollector.
B. Users access.
- 1. Basic Permissions:
- If you select the permissions level as Basic in section 1 then you can only, edit the users access like below:
- The book owner can just allow the users to either have or not have access to his/her book.
- If the person has user access they will see the book in the “My collaborations” section (if the book is not created by them).
- If you select the permissions level as Basic in section 1 then you can only, edit the users access like below:
- 1. Basic Permissions:
- 2. Advanced Permissions:
- If you select the permissions level as Advanced permissions in section 1 then you edit the users access like below:
- Each group member can have their own set of permissions allowed by the book owner.
- NOTE: The permissions you define will be still dependent on the user level permissions defined for the user in LabCollector. For example, even if you give a right to the “visitor” level user to close or sign the page, he/she won’t be able to do that because in LabCollector “visitor” user status cannot have any admin rights like signing or validating the pages. (check the different level permissions in the image in the summary section above).
- To see members for the different groups just click the
icon on the left & right side of the pop-up to scroll through the screen.
- 1. This tab will allow you to select if the person can have access to the book. When you select this option the person will be seen as the collaborator of the book. Also when you click on this option the other options (2,3 & 4) will become editable. Without this option, the other options (2,3 & 4) will remain greyed out.
- 2. This will allow a user to edit the book that its owner has created.
- 3. These options will allow having different rights for the experiment page.
– 3.1: A user can ADD an experiment or EDIT an already existing experiment inside the owner’s book.
– 3.2: The user can ONLY EDIT the already existing experiment in the owner’s book. He cannot create a new experiment in the owner’s book.
– 3.3: A person can ONLY VIEW the experiments inside the owner’s book. He cannot edit or create any experiment in the owner’s book. - 4. These options will allow having different rights for the pages inside the experiment.
– 4.1: A user can ADD a page or EDIT an already existing page inside the owner’s book.
– 4.2: The user can ONLY EDIT the already existing page in the owner’s book. He cannot create a new page in the owner’s book.
– 4.3: A person can ONLY VIEW the pages inside the owner’s book. He cannot edit or create any page in the owner’s book.
– 4.4: This option allows another person to close any page inside the book. If this option is tick marked the person will seein the below of each page inside the owner’s book.
– 4.5: This option allows the person to sign the page AFTER IT IS CLOSED. (Check the KB XXXXXpage signing). - 5. You can add users from other groups too. Just type the name and it will appear in the dropdown if the person name exists in LabCollector users.
* For creating groups go to ADMIN -> MANAGE USERS and when you have defined users you can go to MANAGE GROUP POLICIES and create groups. You can add members by going back to MANAGE USERS and assigning groups to already existing members. - 6. When you finish defining the permissions you can click on the submit option to save the settings.
- If you select the permissions level as Advanced permissions in section 1 then you edit the users access like below:
- 2. Advanced Permissions:
Related topics:
- Read our manual on LabCollector.
- Check our KB on ELN template.
- Read about how ELN Workflow.
- Read more on how to create book, experiment & page
- Please read our KB to see what are the different users level permissions in LabCollector.
- Read more on how LabCollector interface looks like.