Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) LIMS

The Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) process has revolutionized biotech labs over the past decade, resulting in an increase in the number of samples that need to be analyzed and tracked.

How does our process works?

All you need to manage sequencing samples and plates


LabCollector is a configurable, on-premise or cloud-based NGS LIMS solution that supports every stage of the NGS protocol. It enables complete tracking of samples through the NGS pipeline, from request to processing and result delivery. LabCollector can be used in any NGS laboratory, from R&D to diagnostic/service labs.

Sequencing process

LabCollector offers a range of default modules and add-ons to make plate processing, QC, pooling, and data sharing easy. The Tube Sorter add-on allows you to create sample sheets for runs on a variety of equipment, including Tecan, Hamilton, qPCR, and Illumina. And with the Workflow add-on, you can track individual samples, plates, or batches of plates with a step-by-step processing and data saving interface. Plus, if you have specific equipment in mind, we can accommodate your needs on demand. Streamline your NGS workflow and get the most out of your lab with LabCollector.


LabCollector NGS Pack includes:

Note: It can be hosted online on our server in US or EU.

We are compatible with

lifetech_logo 454_sequencing thermo
and much more…

They trust LabCollector

Bayer CropScience + LabCollector LIMS software


Storage System

Easily manage and define stock locations with LabCollector’s user-friendly interface. Simply use point-and-click to define box cell grid places, and create virtually any box configuration to suit your needs.

Barcoding & Mobility

LabCollector LIMS uses barcodes to identify all stored data, making it easy to search and retrieve information quickly. You can generate linear or 2D barcodes for better organization.

Security, Traceability & Integrity

LabCollector LIMS uses user levels to restrict access and now supports LDAP and AD. Plus, history logs and audit trails help you track user actions and maintain data versioning for added security.

Ready To Automate Your Lab?

Evolve your laboratory’s capability for molecular testing with the addition of LabCollector.

Available for: LabCollector download available for Windows and MAC

Request Your Quote Now

    Your Name* Email Address* Telephone* Company / Institution* Country* Address and Zip Code* How many users do you have? Which brand and type of the sequencer are you using?
    Which and how many instruments do you use? If other: Do you have an analytical pipeline to connect? if yes which provider? Do you want to connect LabCollector to a billing system application? Do you receive samples individually or already on plates? Individuallyplates Do you want a remote portal to receive test requests online?
    If you do the certificate of analysis, can you provide us a mock template? Do you manually plate the swabs or with a robot (like PE Janus)? Do you want to track each step of sample plate preparation? How did you hear about us?: Message