How do I print box maps? - LabCollector

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On the home page go to the Tools tab and select the storage browser.

The new page of ‘Storage Browser & Manager’ will open.

  • From the list under the ‘Lab storage tree’, select the storage you want to print the box map from.
  • Either you print all the box of a rack with “Print all box maps” or on the rack level or the box level, you can choose the Box name you would like to print from.
  • Generating a Barcode for the Storage boxes is also possible by clicking on the barcode icon. (Click on the link to see how to generate barcode)
  1. You can “Generate All barcode labels” 
  2. Choose the box you wish to create a barcode for. 

You can select the “Box View” or “List View” to print a box by clicking the right tab. You can also open the box map in a popup with the icon .