How to create & execute a job in LSM? - LabCollector

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How to create & execute a job in LSM?

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Job in LSM helps to create tests and add information about information about the test and samples. You can also add information about test like priority levels, purchase order number, if you have received the samples or not, who has requested the jobs (sample collection center if any) or attached a case record (it can be a patient, or a cell line or animal, depending on your lab needs).

1. Preparing LSM before job submission

2. Creating a job

  • A. By LSMRemote
  • B. By LSM
  • C. Jobs for control or data trending charts

3. Accepting a job

  • A. By LSMRemote
  • B. By LSM

4. Executing a job

  • Job status
  • Validations

5. Report / Invoice generation

1. Preparing LSM before job submission

  • In order to create a job, you first need to prepare the LSM by creating parameters (Job, Sample, tests level), sample types and tests.
    *Please read our knowledgebase on how to start with LSM.
  • You can also connect the case record function to the LSM in order to connect a custom module to LSM and input data from there.
    *Please read our knowledgebase on how to connect case record to LSM.

2. Creating a job

  • Once everything is setup, you can create and submit a job using 2 ways.
  • A. By LSMRemote
    • If you are using this remote application , then the requesters (remote clients that collect samples and order tests) can submit a job using this portal.
      *Please read our knowledgebase on how to submit a job by LSMRemote.
  • B. By LSM
    • If you are directly create a job using, LSM add-on, you can do so by going to the LSM add-on->Job->Add job.
    • You can add necessary details and create a job.
    • 1. Add the job number. You can choose the setting for this in LSM -> ADMIN -> SETUP -> JOB AND SAMPLES NAMING.
    • 2. The job date will be automatic and it will show when job was created.
    • 3. Requester, is the remote provider/Client that requests for job, generally using submits job using the LSMRemote portal. See option A.
    • 4. Priority level, will allow you to set the priority of the job to either normal, rush or slow. The settings or label name for this can be change by going to LSM -> ADMIN -> SETUP -> PRIORITY LEVELS
    • 5. Expected date, can be the date until when the client/provider/requester wants the test to be done/finished.
    • 6. In case you are billing the client using Purchase order, you can write the purchase order number here. the settings for this can be done using LSM -> ADMIN -> PREFERENCES -> COSTS (Payment mode)
    • 7. Order, means the job order that you want to submit. It can be in the form of quote, request or a job.
  • If you have multiple samples in one job with multiple tests, then you can import csv of the samples and related parameters and tests.
  • *Please read our Knowledge Base on how to import csv with samples an details in LSM.

3. Accepting a job

  • Depending on your requirements, you can configure if you want to auto accept jobs, or if you want a validation of a lab supervisor or manager to accept the jobs.
  • *Please read our knowledgebase on how to accept jobs in LSM.

4. Executing a job

  • Job status
  • When you open the job, you will see the job details, and you need to click on the test link to start the job and see its status.
  • Once you start the job, You will be able to see 4 status through which job will progress.
  • The Quoted, assigned, started, completed jobs will be visible under LSM -> JOB -> JOB LIST
  • The approved jobs will be visible in LSM -> JOB -> JOB LIST  -> FILTER -> JOB STATUS ->FINISHED -> GO
  • Validations
  • LSM add-on allows you to activate compliancy pack.
  • If you have compliancy activated you can choose to activate your validations for the jobs. (LSM -> ADMIN -> PREFERENCES -> REGULATION -> ONE STEP/TWO STEP REVIEW)
  • If the compliancy is active, then when the job is completed, it needs to be validated and signed by the lab supervisor, in order to each the finished status.

5. Report / Invoice generation

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