LSM: Trending and Job Charts

LSM: Trending and Job Charts When using our Lab Service Manager, creating a chart with the information related to a particular job is easy. By clicking on the gear icon within your job list, you will then need to click … Continued

Lot-Sample Linking in LSM for Quality Control

  Lab Service Manager (LSM) introduces a feature allowing the linking of samples to specific lots. This allows users to execute their quality assurance protocols by associating samples with designated lots, enhancing traceability and QC workflows while ensuring better compliance … Continued

LSM: How to Group Test Results by Specialty?

  In Lab Service Manager (LSM), specialties play a crucial role in organizing test results and facilitating the generation of reports. This knowledge base article provides an overview of specialties in LSM and guides users on how to set them … Continued

LSM Job List Icons – What do they mean?

  In the following knowledge base article, we break down the meaning behind each icon found within the job list page inside the LSM add-on (Lab Service Manager), providing a simple and practical explanation for users of all levels. Let’s … Continued

How to Perform a Paternity/Relationship Genetic Test using LSM?

Warning This Knowledge Base article is intended specifically for laboratories that conduct paternity and relationship genetic testing.   The paternity and relationship genetic testing process can be made more efficient using our LSM-Add on , which ensures automating the sample/test … Continued

Introduction to HL7 and how to use it in LSM

SUMMARY: 1. Introduction 1a. What is HL7? 1b. HL7 Message Types 2. How to use HL7 in LSM 3. HL7 ORU (Observation result) 4. HL7 ORM (Order message) 1. Introduction 1a. What is HL7? HL7 is a set of standards … Continued

How to import CSV with samples and tests in LSM?

SUMMARY: With the LSM ad-on allows you to add a job and import multiple samples and test with CSV/text file. You can update the CSV/text file with information about multiple samples and tests related to it in LSM while adding … Continued

How to create version of test in LSM?

SUMMARY: LSM allows you to create version of test with the help of duplicate ad archive versions. This feature is useful, when you want to modify an already existing test and the good practice is to duplicate test ad archive … Continued

How to create conditional fields in LSMRemote?

SUMMARY: LSMRemote now allows you to now add conditional fields in the job form. This is important in conditions where you need to ask more questions based on a previous one. These fields will be available in Job form and … Continued

How to import results in batch mode in LSM?

SUMMARY: LSM allows you to import results for several jobs in one go using batch mode. Please follow the below procedure to import results in LSM: 1. Create jobs in LSM and add them to a batch 2. Import results … Continued

LSMRemote config.ini: Appearance & login options

SUMMARY: Config.ini file allow you to change the appearance of the LSMRemote pages according to your needs using various options. Follow the steps below to configure different options in LSMRemote config.ini:- 1. Install LSMRemote and integrate into your website 2. … Continued

How to customize the look of LSMRemote?

SUMMARY: LSMRemote now allows to change the font and button colors on the login page. This allows for better customization for your lab and related themes. 1. Font Family 2. Button colors Primary Secondary Cancel Be Careful note *Remember for … Continued

LSMRemote Config.ini file

SUMMARY: For test labs that receive a request to perform tests (jobs) on a sample from a requester (clinic, hospital, etc), our Lab Service Management (LSM) add-on is the best option. However, to make the process easier we offer our … Continued

How to add measurement uncertainty in LSM?

SUMMARY: All measuring devices have some degree of imprecision and uncertainty. Generally it is the imprecision in measuring devices. Uncertainty measurement means that in the given range of possible values within which the true value of the measurement lies. Random … Continued

How to configure kit and activate it in LSMRemote?

SUMMARY: Many labs have kits that can be purchased by patients, either online or in pharmacies. The samples collected by these kits are then deposited by the patients in nearby sample collection centers or send by postal means. For such … Continued

How to accept jobs in LSM?

SUMMARY: Job in LSM helps to create tests and add information about information about the test and samples. You can also add information about test like priority levels, purchase order number, if you have received the samples or not, who … Continued

How to create & execute a job in LSM?

SUMMARY: Job in LSM helps to create tests and add information about information about the test and samples. You can also add information about test like priority levels, purchase order number, if you have received the samples or not, who … Continued

How to integrate appointments scheduling in LSMRemote?

SUMMARY: LSMRemote now helps to integrate a scheduling application, that helps clients/requesters to have a platform that helps scheduling appointments. You can easily configure the settings for it to activate it for patients to schedule their appointments. *Please see our … Continued

How to search in LSMRemote?

SUMMARY: LSMRemote provides you various options to search specifically and do action on them. You can also organize your columns that will help you yo manage your data with ease. 1. Searching and sorting using the columns 2. Search using … Continued

How to generate CoC Manifest with integrated labels?

SUMMARY: LSMRemote application, for the clients to connect remotely to Lab Service Manager For test labs that receive a request to perform tests (jobs) on a sample from a requester (clinic, hospital, etc), our Lab Service Management (LSM) add-on is the best option. … Continued

How to do job pre-registration from the LSMRemote portal?

SUMMARY: Job pre-registration can be performed, by patients where they can enter all relevant details before submission of the samples. The pre-registration creates a job which the provider needs to update, when the patient submits the sample. This fasten ups … Continued

How to import jobs using LSMRemote?

SUMMARY: LSM add-on is for the test/service core labs that helps from performing tests, adding parameters, to generating reports and invoices. LSMRemote is a remote portal used by clients who receive samples from patients and pass it on to test … Continued

How to use accreditation for tests in LSM?

SUMMARY: LSM new feature now offers accreditation to the test reports in LSM. Regulatory bodies like ISO/IEC 17025 the tests need to be accredited. Tests like example for calibration testing equipment or sample, rely on the technicality and correctness of … Continued

How to activate password for reports send by email to requester

SUMMARY: With the new features in LSM you can password protect your test result reports. This helps in compliance with regulatory bodies and prevents data breaching of important information. CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) & HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and … Continued

How to create a processing report in LSM?

SUMMARY: If you are a test lab then making reports from the test is an integral part of your everyday work.  The Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on in LabCollector allows you to make report templates.  Where you can use dynamic … Continued

Correction/Amendement actions in LSM report

SUMMARY: Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on is the perfect application for service core & test labs. It also helps you to create & customize templates for reports when a job is finished. You can easily export a report in PDF … Continued

How to search in LSM?

SUMMARY: LSM add-on is for test labs where it offers to create jobs for tests, reports, invoices, and many more options  to make testing more efficient. As a lab can have a lot of tests and their results LSM offers … Continued

How to link a custom module to LSM?

SUMMARY: LSM (Lab Service Manager) add-on is for service/test labs to manage sample and test information. LSM add-on now allows to link custom module into job level in LSM. To connect a custom module follow the below steps. 1. Create … Continued

How to start with LSM?

SUMMARY: Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on is the perfect application for service core & test labs. You can read more about LSM on our Blog. The requesters (clinics or institutes collecting samples) can submit orders to service test labs to … Continued

LSMRemote configurable options (v4.0)

SUMMARY: For test labs that receive a request to perform tests (jobs) on a sample from a requester (clinic, hospital, etc), our Lab Service Management (LSM) add-on is the best option. However, to make the process easier we offer our … Continued

How to restart a job in LSM?

SUMMARY: LabCollector’s Lab Service Management (LSM) add-on allows you to perform tests on a sample with defined parameters, equipment, reports, etc. LSM also offers you to validate the results before the report is sent to the patients for example. In … Continued