How to add samples created in sample receiving into Workflow add-on? - LabCollector

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You can create a package and plate it in the sample receiving add-on. This helps labs who receive 100’s of samples every day to test.

The sample receiving add-on provides you an option to automatically create samples and store them directly in the predefined module.

Follow the steps below to register a package in the sample receiving add-on:-

1. Create a package & assign samples to plate

2. Process & finish the plate

3. Start the workflow

4. Execute the workflow

1. Create a package & assign samples to plate

2. Process & finish the plate

  • Once you have created the plate from samples in the package, you can now process the place and perform the necessary QC and move further.
    *Read our KB on how to process plate.

3. Start the workflow

  • Once you finish the plate you will see it under “Finish” status like below.

  • 1. You need to go to All plates.
  • 2. Under “Finished” status you will see your plate.
  • 3. You will see many options near your plate, you need to select the “Workflow” option.
  • When you click on it, it will open a pop-up where you can select the template from the Workflow add-on. (To create template go to WORKFLOW ADDON -> TEMPLATES -> ADD TEMPLATE)

  • A. Select the workflow template you want from the list.
  • B. Your workflow template will be visible below after selecting it.
  • C. Once you are done, click on Start.
  • Once you click start, the plate will move to workflow status like below.

4. Execute the workflow

  • Now when you go to the Workflow add-on you will see your project or plate in the workflow add-on.

  • You can execute the workflow from here.

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