Barcode label generation and printing - LabCollector

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Barcode label generation and printing

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We want to inform you that we have updated our label-printing system. DIRECT EPL and Dymo are now obsolete, but you can still use Generic Label Printing. You can learn more about it in chapter A (below), on our manual, or on the following KB.


LabCollector offers efficient and user-friendly features for printing various types of labels within its modules. Whether you need to generate barcodes or print barcode labels directly, LabCollector simplifies the process.

This knowledge base provides instructions on how to navigate through LabCollector’s printing functionalities and make the most out of your labeling needs.

LabCollector offers two primary options for printing labels:

“Generate a barcode” (A)

“Print barcode label option” (B)

Simply navigate to the “module” of your choice (e.g. Strains & Cells), these options will be located to the right of the record (see screenshot below).



      When you click on “Generate a barcode” from the above screenshot, a pop-up page will appear:

      You can use A.1 for the Generic printing method and A.2 & A.3 for the Direct printing method.
      Click on the following link to know more about generic and direct printers compatible with our LabCollector.

      A.1) PDF generic label printing

      Please refer to the numbers on the screenshot below:

        1. In this section, you can choose your label template and label type. You also have the option to manage your templates, including deleting existing ones. Additionally, you can preview your label design by clicking on the corresponding button . If needed, you can add new label types.

        2. Here, you can configure the printing options according to your requirements:
        – Select whether to print only the ID (without barcode or name) or include barcode symbology (choose between 1D symbology or 2D symbology).

        3. Customize the way your label appears by activating or deactivating various options: choose to display the ID or use a unique custom code instead, you can also decide whether to include the record’s name on the label.

        4. Fine-tune the label settings to achieve the desired layout and appearance:
        – Specify the font size for the ID.
        – Set the line height and top margin for the label.
        – Determine the number of label copies to print.

        5. Enhance your label design by adding extra lines corresponding to custom fields of your choice. You can include up to three custom field lines, along with a comment line.

        6. Once you have configured all the necessary options, click on the “Save” button to save the selected settings as a template. The barcode will be generated automatically based on the chosen settings.

        To print the generated barcode:
        – Click on the “Preview” button to view the label design.
        – Right-click on the previewed label, and select the print option.

        Ensure that your printer is properly configured and connected to your system for successful label printing.



        LabCollector now offers you the ability to insert images within labels. This feature allows for more visually appealing and informative labels. Here’s how you can insert images into labels and configure various parameters:

        • Select Image: Users can select the option to insert an image into their label. This option is located in the ‘ADD IMAGE’ section (as shown in the screenshot below).
        • Choose Image: Upon selecting the “add image” option, users can browse their system to choose the desired image they want to insert into the label.
        • Set Margin Left and Top: Users can configure the margin of the inserted image from the left and top edges of the label. This adjustment allows for precise placement of the image within the label area.
        • Define Width and Height: Users can set up the width and height of the inserted image to ensure it fits appropriately within the label and aligns with the overall design.
        • Preview and Test: Before finalizing the label design, users should preview and test the label with inserted images to ensure that they appear as intended and meet the desired specifications.


        The following screenshot shows the position of each option on the printed barcode label. You can see how the record name, ID, first line, second line, third line, and comment line are arranged. This helps visualize where each element will appear once printed:

          A.2) Direct label printing 

          Please refer to the numbers in the screenshot below:

          1. Select this option, if you want to “Add name to the label”.
          2. You can “Add free text” to the label.
          3. Choose if you want to print with or without a barcode (1D or 2D), you can also choose whether you want to use a unique custom code instead.
          4. You can “Add sub-number” or define the “Number of copies” you need.
          5. Choose the correct size of label from the drop down. (Please follow the link to set up the size of the label)
          6. Choose correct printer from the dropdown menu.
          7. Click on “Validate options” for printing with Zebra or Brady EPL printing. (Click the link to know about how to calibrate Zebra GX420t, GX430t, Brady BBP11 & BBP12 printers)

          After clicking on validate options, the print option will appear, after which you can click on it.


          A.3) DYMO label printing

          Please refer to the numbers in the screenshot below:

          1. Select this option, if you want to “Add a name to the label”.
          2. You can “Add free text” to the label, you can also choose whether you want to use a unique custom code instead.
          3. Choose the correct size of label from the drop-down of “label model”. (Follow the link to know about how to customize DYMO label tags)
          4. Check if the DYMO printer is connected. Printer name will be displayed if it is connected. (Follow the link to know about how to configure DYMO printer)
          5. You can “Add sub-number” or define the “Number of copies” you need.
          6. Click on “Print barcode” for printing with a DYMO label printer.


          If you are using FireFox browser and facing issues to print from DYMO printer, you could try solving this issue by accepting the security risk from localhost (click the link to check the local host).
          Check the troubleshooting part in our KB describing how to use DYMO.


          When you click on “Print barcode label option “, the below option will appear:


          B.1) EPL Printing

          After you select “EPL”, a new pop-up page will appear, like in the screenshot below:

          1. Type the text you want in “Add free text” and select the field you require.
          2. Select the type of barcode you require (None, 1D or 2D).
          3. Select whether you require to add sub-number or define the number of copies you need.
          4. Select the correct label type.
          5. Select the type of printer from the dropdown list.
          6. Click on “submit” to print.

          B.2) DYMO Printing

          Select “DYMO”, a new page will open with the following options:

          1. Type the text you want in “Add free text” and the correct field that you need from the dropdown list.
          2. You can select the required field like in the above section B1.
          3. Select the correct label model from the dropdown list.
          4. Check if the DYMO printer is connected. Printer name will be displayed if it is connected.
          5. Select the “Number of copies” you need or if you want to add a sub-number.
          6. Click on “Submit” to print.

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