What are the options in "display maintenance" section of equipment. (v5.4 and below) - LabCollector

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When you want to edit maintenance for equipment, you can go to a display maintenance icon where you can find various options for equipment maintenance.

 For v6.0 check this KB.

Generally, you will see a scroll bar under the display maintenance that will help you navigate to the options on your left and your right. 

1. You can add maintenance to the equipment using this option.
2. You can edit maintenance using this option .
3. You can print the maintenance information by clicking on this option. When you click on this option the information will pop-up in a new window like below.

4. This means the alerts for the particular maintenance are ON.
For version 5.42 and above, when you create new maintenance with an alert in the same category of the one running, the alert of the old maintenance will be automatically turned off.

5. The associated files or reports can be uploaded with the help of this option . You can upload files such as maintenance reports related to the equipment. When you click on it, it shows you this pop-up.
For example, as soon as the equipment maintenance is over, you can upload the maintenance report using this option and use the padlock to close the maintenance after the report is uploaded.

6. When you click on , the list of maintenance will open in a new tab.

7. The option allows you to create a calibration chart with the test performed with the standard sample on the equipment. You can check here, how to create a calibration control chart with a data set.

8. The option allows you to export data of equipment maintenance in various formats. Check our KB on how to export maintenance data.

9. One the maintenance is completed you can close the maintenance by clicking on the padlock icon .
Note: Once the maintenance is locked you can no more edit it.

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