Sample barcode batch printing from a job in LSM - LabCollector

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Lab Service management (LSM) add-on offers various possibilities to print barcodes. 
You can check our KB to see how to print Protocols, Parameters, Sample Types, Test Equipment list, Log list (Audit), Job list, Requesters, Users from LSM.

To print samples from a job you need to follow the below steps in LSM:-

1. Creating a Job 
2. Printing the sample list from the Job

1. Creating a Job

 To create a job in LSM go to LSM HOME PAGE -> JOB –> ADD JOB

You can check our KB on how to add a job in LSM.
You can also check our LSM manual, page 51, on how to add jobs.

While creating a job you can add various samples to test in a particular job.

2. Printing the sample list from the Job

To print the barcodes of the samples in a test you need to follow below steps:-

  1. Once you have created a job you will see the list of samples under the job name, on the job list.

  2. Once you open the job, you can see the list of samples with the barcode icon on the left.
    The topmost barcode icon as seen in the below figure allows you to generate barcodes for all the below samples.

NOTE: The barcode option in front of each sample will ONLY allow you to print the barcode for that particular sample.


3. Once you click on the generate barcode labels, you will see the below page.
Here you can add the range, which is sample number seen beside the black LabCollector icon in the above image.

– You can read our KB to find out more about different types of barcode generation & printing methods. 
– Check our KB on how to use Dymo labels & printing in LSM.

4.  When you are done putting in all the details, you can click on the preview button.
Depending upon the type of barcode you want (1D or 2D), they will look like below.

If you are ok with the barcodes, you can click the button.

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