API: How to create boxes or plates? - LabCollector

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In the storage browser of LabCollector you can now choose to create plate templates using API.
This function provides you with the flexibility to design the plates according to your requirements.

LabCollector offers you to create new boxes, racks, plates or other types of containers using the API, follow these steps.
To do so.

Use API POST methods as usual with:

  • Add to your URL “webservice/index.php/?v=2&action=addBox” like in the below image.
  • use method POST
  • required parameters are
  • “name”, “type”, “equipment”, and also “size” for some types
  • optional parameters are “description”, “rack”, “keeper”


  • the parameter “equipment” supports equipment id or name and must exist in LC-storage (table boxes_local_def)
  • the parameter “type” must be a valid type in LC: box, box_no grid, plate, microplate, visotube, bag, shelf part
  • the parameter “size” should be numeric for visotube, and this format (A:1.H:8) for box, plate, and microplate



The result in the storage browser will look like below for the above API.
Tools–>Storage Browser