How to print and follow multiple reports/CoC's in LSMRemote? - LabCollector

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How to print and follow multiple reports/CoC’s in LSMRemote?

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LSMRemote now offers to print many job reports at once. This makes the printing easier instead of having to print every report individually. When you have to print 200 reports per day, it becomes difficult to print reports individually. LabCollector now offers to print multiple report in the same time from LSMRemote provider portal.

1. Options for selecting reports

2. Generating pdf from reports and printing them

3. Generating pdf from CoC’s and printing them

1. Options for selecting reports

    • Login in the provider portal on LSMRemote.
    • You will see the new options:
    • 1. You can now choose to see or hide reported jobs (already printed jobs).
    • 2. This option allows you to print the reports of selected jobs.
    • 3. This option allows you to select/deselect the jobs.
    • 4. This option will allow you to print all the CoC’s (Chain of Custody pdfs) visible on your LSMRemote page.
  • Note
    Reports will be only visible for FINISHED jobs. You can use the status filter to see all the finished jobs.

2. Generating PDF from reports and printing them

  • LSMRemote now offers color coding to know which reports need to be printed and which have been already printed.
  • Follow the below steps to select and print multiple job reports.
  • 1. As the reports will only be visible for finished jobs, you can utilize the status filter and type finished to show all finished jobs.
  • 2. You can select or deselect the jobs with the help of your left mouse click button.
  • 3. Yellowish Bisque color: This color symbolizes the jobs for which the reports have already been printed. This color will remain across all users. This way all users for LSMRemote provider portal will know which job report has been printed.
  • 4. Lightsteelblue color: This color appears when you select the job to print the report. 
  • 5. White/Greyish color: It will be seen for jobs that are neither selected nor printed before.
  • Note
    The Yellowish bisque color will remain across different users.
    This will help all users to know which reports are already printed.
  • Now select the jobs you want to print report for. The select jobs will appear lightsteelblue.
  • NOTE: The report can be printed for the jobs already printed too. The color just represents that the report is printed before.
  • Click on the icon to print the reports that you have selected.
  • Warning
    *Once the job printed, the color from lightsteelblue will change to YellowishBisque 
    *Remember to print few (~50) jobs together. If you try to print 100 jobs at once, the system might be overloaded and it will take time for pdf to generate.
  • If you want to see 50 jobs at once, you need to go down on the LSMRemote and change the show entries number.

3. Generating pdf from CoC’s and printing them

  • When you click on the pdf icon it will open all the CoC’s present on the LSMRemote page depending upon your browser.
  • On chrome for example, it will be visible like below, where you can either download the merged pdfs or directly print them.

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