How to manage case records (patients, animals...) in LSM? - LabCollector

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How to manage case records (patients, animals…) in LSM?

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LSM (Lab Service Management) add-on in LabCollector is used for creating and executing tests (Jobs) in testing laboratories.
Case records can be linked to any custom modules like Patients or Animal modules, etc.
You can use the below example as per your lab requirement.

For example, test labs can organize their patient records to create tests for each patient.

In this scenario to add patient records to the LSM test, you need to enable the “case record option” to follow the steps below.
A) Activating “Case Record” in LSM by three steps:-

1. Selecting the LabCollector module
2. Creating a gender field
3. Creating a Date of Birth field

B) Adding case records in LSM job
C) Adding case record in LSM report

A) Activating “Case Record” in LSM

To enable the case record option go to LSM -> ADMIN -> SETUP -> CASE RECORD

LSM v4.011 has new fields enabled for case record.

  • 1. Switch ON this option if you want to enable case record option.
  • 2. You can link any Custom module here. See section 1 below.
  • 3. Here you can add the full name of the case record. It can be a calculated field where you can combine First name + Last name, etc.
  • 4. The Gender field is the same as the old version which is described below. See section 2 below.
  • 5. The field Date of Birth is same as the old one. See section 3 below.  (Needs to be an date type field). 
  • 6. Here you can add an extra field that you would like to connect from the custom module that you attached in point 1.
  • 7. Here you can add an extra field that you would like to connect from the custom module that you attached in point 1.
  • 8. Here you can set the fields for notifications either on mobile phone via SMS or by email.
    • 8A. You can connect the field in the custom module you attached in step one, to the phone number. 
      – You can send token by SMS when job is created OR accepted OR when results are released.
      *Remember in order to have the phone notification, you need to have a 3rd party provider like Twilio to configure SMS sending services.
      *Please read our KnowledgeBase to know more about SMS configuration.
      *Please see our KB to check how to use token to access report.
    • 8B. You can connect the field in the custom module you attached in step one, to the email. 
      – You can send token by email when job is created OR accepted OR when results are released.
      *Please see our KB to check how to use token to access report.
    • 8C. Here you can add the portal link to patient registration or token link.
      The second checkbox is to send a notification of results ready, with a link to LSMRemote.
      Generally it will be like below:
      *YOURLANBNAME will be replaced by the instance name that you see in the browser URL.
      *Due to HIPAA/confidentiality, we cannot directly send the report to the patient for example.
    • you can add an email where you would like to send email with the token number to view the report when it is finished.
      *The email can be entered in the custom field made in custom module. For example, this can be email of a patient, and when the job is created, automatically the patient will receive a token number that he can use to access the test report.
  • 9. Sharing option is to allow requesters to not select the case records of other requesters or to share case records with all requesters. 
    *Remember there can be many requesters in LSM add-on. The option either gives access to all requesters to case records.
  • 10. Save when you are done with the settings.


1) Selecting the LabCollector module

  • For the drop-down list to appear in the first option in the above image you need to create a custom module in LabCollector.
  • For example, if you want to create tests for patients in LSM you need to create a custom module called “Patient” in LabCollector.
  • Check our KnowedgeBase on how to create a custom module.
  • To create a new custom module go to Admin–>Data–>Custom modules

  • The custom module will appear in the modules tab on the homepage of your LabCollector.
  • This module will appear in the first option of the case record.

Note: All the custom modules will be seen in the drop-down list. For simplification, we have given an example of Patient custom module.

2) Creating a “Gender” custom field

  • To create a drop-down in the second “Gender” option, you need to create a custom field in the custom module you made before.
  • Check our KB to see how to create a custom field.
  • To create a custom field go to ADMIN -> DATA -> CUSTOM FIELD
  • The custom field will be created as a select type list where you can choose the gender from the list. 
  • This custom field will be seen in the custom module you created.
  • You can either create values by writing “Female” or “F” or “Male” or “M”.
  • This gender custom field will now be visible in the dropdown of the second option of the case record.

Note:  You can add any field that is required. The field with the “select list type” will appear here. 


3) Creating a “Date of Birth” custom field

  • For the third field in the case record “Date of Birth” option. You will need to create a custom field for the date of birth with the field type is a date.
  • Check our KB to see how to create a custom field.
  • To create a custom field go to ADMIN -> DATA -> CUSTOM FIELD

  • This field will be seen in the record in the custom patient module.

  • This date of birth custom field will now be visible in the dropdown of the second option of the case record in LSM.
  • Note:  You can add any custom field here as long as it is a “date” field type.

2. Adding case records in LSM job

  1. To do so go to JOB -> ADD JOB 
  2. Check our KB on how to create and execute a job in LSM.
  3. When you create a new job, you will see the case record option like below
  4. Here you can either select the patient you created in the Patient Module or create a new one here by clicking the “+” sign.
  5. In both cases, the information will automatically appear below as this information will be imported from the Patient record.
  6. This way you can manage patient records for all your tests easily using case records option in LSM for performing the test.

3. Adding case record in LSM report

  1. In LSM you can create a report for the test (job) that is finished.
  2. Check our KB on how to create reports in LSM and how to generate a report in LSM after the job is finished.
  3. When you create a report template, use the dynamic fields “##case_record##”, “##case_dob##” and “##case_gender##” under the Patient information section to automatically display these values.
    *Please our KnowledgeBase on how to use dynamic fields in the LSM Result Report template.
  4. When you select to create a report for a finished job you will see their patient record like below.


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