How to do a backup of LabCollector database? - LabCollector

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How to do a backup of LabCollector database?

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LabCollector allows you to backup your data. This helps you to always have a backup incase something happens to the computer and you loose data on your computer.

LabCollector includes a backup system allowing you to save to an external media (ZIP, CD-ROM, …) the contents of the database. This backup includes also the complete structure of the database (called a dump file). With this backup file, the database can be fully recreated in case of data loss, server failure, etc.

The data Backup in LabCollector can be done using various ways, which are explained below.

Follow these steps to backup your data in LabCollector:

1. LabCollector- Backup data option

2. LabCollector setup- Task scheduler

3. Automatic Backup -LabCollector Server manager

1. Backup data option

  • To access this option you need to go to ADMIN -> DATA -> BACKUP .
  • When you click on the backup option, you will see the below page.

  • 1. Do a New Backup
    • You can click on the checkbox to “skip ELN tables” . This will not include the Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) add-on contents inside all books, experiments, pages, or subpages.
    • “Backup files too” option allows you to store the attached files inside LabCollector. For example, files like images, pdf, word, excel, etc inside Documents module. or ELN add-on, etc.
      NOTE: The backup files option is for Unix and Linux only.
    • Once you have selected all the options you require you can click on  and the backup will start right away.
  • 2. Schedule a new Backup
    • Here you can schedule your backup and give it a a name under Task scheduler.
    • You can also set the time and frequency you want the backup to happen automatically.
    • The backup options are like in point 1.
    • Once you have selected all the options you require you can click on “Schedule Backup” option.
  • 3. Backup retention policy
    • The database for LabCollector is SQL.
    • Hence all the files are stored in this format.
    • As you can schedule backups, you will have several SQL Database backup files.
    • This option allows you top select the database files, when the number of backup files is greater to a number. You can select this number.
  • 4. Download Backup
    • All your backup will be visible in the format shown in the image.
    • You can download the backup file you want to restore.

2. LabCollector setup- Task scheduler

3. Automatic Backup -LabCollector Server manager

  • LabCollector server manager is a utility by LabCollector that allows you to easily use LabCollector instances.
  • *Please read our KB to know more about how to use LabCollector server manager.
  • This manager provides easy access to configuration files and control over the server status (start/stop Apache web server and mysql database server).
  • It also includes an easy and automatic backup engine which allows you to configures two types of backups: short-term backups – daily or weekly and long-term backups – weekly or monthly.
  • To perform backups you need to go to LABCOLLECTOR SERVER MANAGER -> SETTINGS -> AUTOMATIC BACKUPS
  • There you will find the short term backup where you can schedule backup for weeks.
  • Then you have a long term backup where you can schedule backup for months.
  • The options for short and long term back are similar and are explained below.
  • 1. To activate the below options you need to tick mark the checkbox option.
  • 2. here you can define the path to store your backup.
  • 3. Frequency of the backup allows you to choose when you want the backup to reoccur.
    – If you select 2 as frequency the options in point 5 will be activated.
    – You can choose either days /weeks for short term backups or weeks/months for long term backup.
  • 4. You can the time of your automatic backup.
  • 5. This will be activated when you select the frequency as 2. You can choose the days you want the backup to occur.
  • 6. You can either choose to delete old backups by select the number of backups you want. If you select 2 backups to be stored then the old 3rd one will be deleted automatically.
    – You can also choose never to delete any backup by tick marking the check box.
  • 7. Here you will see the information for when was your last backup and when will be your next backup.
  • 8. Once you select your requirement you can click on “Back up now”.
  • 9. You can also backup you data using FTP (File Transfer protocol) to a server. You need to enable the option by tick marking the checkbox and entering.
    – You need to enter your host name, path, Username and password, to save the backup.
    – In the Active FTP mode the client starts listening on a random port for incoming data connections from the server (the client sends the FTP command PORT to inform the server on which port it is listening).
    – In the passive FTP mode, the client uses the control connection to send a PASV command to the server and then receives a server IP address and server port number from the server, which the client then uses to open a data connection to the server IP address and server port number received.
  • Once all your settings are done you can click on test connection to see if everything is working properly.

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