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LSMRemote configurable options (v4.0)
For test labs that receive a request to perform tests (jobs) on a sample from a requester (clinic, hospital, etc), our Lab Service Management (LSM) add-on is the best option. However, to make the process easier we offer our utility LSMRemote which helps both you and the requester. LSMRemote application can be integrated into the website of the requester (clinic, hospital, etc).
LSMRemote is a easy web/mobile interface of your Lab Service Manager for your client accessible through your URL.
This makes it easier for the requester to send and view job requests, results, and reports.
Follow the steps below to configure different options in LSMRemote:-
1. Install LSMRemote and integrate into your website
2. LSMRemote configurable properties
Go to LSMRemote:
1. Install LSMRemote and integrate into your website
- To install LSM remote, please check our KB how to download, install, and integrate LSMRemote on your website.
2. LSMRemote configurable properties
- Once the LSMRemote is installed you can configure various options by accessing the config.ini file.
OS (C:) -> Program Files (x86) -> AgileBio -> LabCollector -> www -> your online instance name will be seen on a folder (click on that folder) -> extra_modules -> lsmremote -> config.ini
- When you open the config.ini file you will various options whose functions are described below.
*config.ini will open in a notepad
* You need to save every change you make.
1. title = none 32. token_access = false *NEW v4.0 2. logo = ../../getLogo.php 33. security_parameter = none *NEW v4.0 3. color = none 34. provider_login_title = _default *NEW v4.0 4. wsurl = [path]/ws/service.php?wsdl 35. patient_login_title = _default *NEW v4.0 5. autogenerate_job_number = false 36. grid_tests_mode = _default *NEW v4.0 6. autogenerate_sample_name = false 37. allow_patient_register = false *NEW v4.01 7. allow_quote = true 38. category_tree = false *NEW v4.01 8. hide_job_date = true 39. patient_recover_token = false *NEW v4.01 9. hide_expected_date = true 40. patient_send_token = false *NEW v4.01 10. report_html_button = true 41. open_coc_automatically = true *NEW v4.01 11. report_html_label = _default 42. token_expiration_days = 15 *NEW v4.024 12. report_pdf_button = true 43. allow_job_register = false *NEW 13. report_pdf_label = _default 44. signature = True 14. report_files_button = true 45. case_record_order_by = Empty 15. report_files_label = _default 46. mandatory_filed_exclusion_list = Empty 16. quote_pdf_button = true 47. coc_format = Letter 17. quote_pdf_label = _default 48. coc_orientation = L
18. grid_multiple_samples = true 49. coc_integrated_labels = 0
19. jobs_order = DESC 50. allow_patient_register_mandatory = False
20. hide_purchase_order = false 51. acuity_link_prefix = empty 21. purchase_order_helper_text = free text 52. extra_label_data = empty 23. recover_password_text = free text 53. allow_patient_editing = false 24. allow_register = true 54. job_preload_requester = false 25. hide_submit_link = false 26. hide_user_name = true 27. hide_priority = true *NEW v4.0 28. repeat_job_button = false *NEW v4.0 29. release_partial_results = false *NEW v4.0 30. grid_width_100 = false *NEW v4.0 31. default_lang = en *NEW v4.0 *All the above options are explain in detailed below.
1 | Title | none | It will appear as a superscript above your logo in LSMRemote | free text |
2. | logo | none | It will be the logo for your lsmremote website | image URL |
3. | color | none | Optional background-color | web color |
4. | wsurl | none | connection to LSM add-on | web color |
5 | autogenerate_job_number | true | connected to the generation of job number | true | false |
6 | autogenerate_sample_name | true | connected to the generation of sample name | true | false |
7 | allow_quote | false | connected to the creation of a quote | true | false |
8 | hide_job_date | true | connected to the job date | true | false |
9 | hide_expected_date | true | connected to the expected date of job finishing | true | false |
10 | report_html_button | – | Obsolete functions. Please delete them in case you find them in your config.ini file | – |
11 | report_html_label | – | – | |
12 | report_pdf_button | true | connected to the report button for results | true | false |
13 | report_pdf_label | _default | connected to the report button label text | _default | free text |
14 | report_files_button | true | connected to the attached files with results | true | false |
15 | report_files_label | _default | connected to the attached files with the results button text | _default | free text |
16 | quote_pdf_button | true | connected to the quote button | true | false |
17 | quote_pdf_label | _default | connected to the text on the quote button | _default | free text |
18 | grid_multiple_samples | false | connected to the number of samples/job | true | false |
19 | Jobs_order | DESC | connected to the number of samples/job | DESC | ASC |
20 | hide_purchase_order | true | connected to ‘purchase order’ option | true | false |
IMPORTANT: The purchase order option will not show in either true/false property if it is not selected in the LSM ADD-ON -> ADMIN -> PREFERENCES -> COSTS -> PAYMENT MODE |
21 | purchase_order_helper_text | free text | connected to helper text of purchase order | free text |
22 | recover_password_mode | none | connected to recover password option | mail | text | none |
23 | recover_password_text | text | connected to recover password option text | text |
24 | allow_register | true | connected to register option | true | false |
25 | hide_submit_link | false | connected to ‘submit order’ option for job | true | false |
26 | hide_user_name | false | connected to user name for a job | true | false |
27 | hide_priority | false | connected to the priority option for a job. | true | false |
28 | repeat_job_button | true | connected to repeating a job | true | false |
29 | release_partial_results | true | connected to a job with multiple samples | true | false |
30 | grid_width_100 | true | connected to a job with multiple samples | true | false |
31 | default_lang | en | connected to the language of lsmremote | language initials |
32 | token_access | true | connected to the token for patients to access the report | true | false |
Please note:
This option needs to TRUE for the below options to work and be visible:
– security_parameter – security_parameter – allow_patient_register – allow_job_register – signature |
33 | security_parameter | none | connected to the access for login | none | any sample custom parameter |
34 | provider_login_title | _default | connected to the access for login | _default | free text |
35 | patient_login_title | None | connected to the access for login | none | free text |
36 | grid_tests_mode | _default | connected to the test mode | _default | checkboxes |
37 | allow_patient_register | false | connected to the case record in LSM | true | false |
38 | category_tree | false | connected to the test categories in LSM | true | false |
39 | patient_recover_token | false | connected to the recover token in LSMRemote | true | false |
40 | patient_send_token | false | connected to LSMRemote token option | true | false |
41 | open_coc_automatically | true | connected to LSMRemote | true | false |
42 | token_expiration_days | 15 | connected to LSMRemote | Numerical values ONLY |
43 | signature | 1 | connected to LSMRemote | empty |1 |
44 | allow_job_register | true | connected to LSMRemote | true | false |
45 | extra_label_data | free text | connected to LSMRemote | sample level parameter |
46 | acuity_link_prefix | free text | connected to LSMRemote | free text or empty |
47 | case_record_order_by | free text | connected to LSMRemote | free text or empty |
48 | mandatory_filed_exclusion_list | free text | connected to LSMRemote | free text or empty |
49 | coc_format | Letter | connected to LSMRemote | Letter or A4 |
50 | coc_orientation | L | connected to LSMRemote | P (Potrait) or L (Landscape) |
51 | coc_integrated_labels | 0 | connected to LSMRemote | 0 or 1,2,3,4 |
52 | allow_patient_register_mandatory | False | connected to LSMRemote | true | false |
53 | allow_patient_editing | False | connected to LSMRemote | true | false |
54 | job_preload_requester | False | connected to LSMRemote | true | false |
Related topics:
- Please check our KB on how to submit a job in lsmremote
- Read our KB on how to register/login and see options in LSMRemote
- Check more in our KB on how to install LSM and integrate it into your website.