How to setup digital signatures on the LabCollector ELN - LabCollector

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First, you need to have a license ELN + signature.
First, activate OpenSSL and Curl on your PHP preferences:
– Windows: open LabCollector Manager, in Settings > Configure Servers > PHP, edit PHP.INI and uncomment (by deleting the leading semi-colon 😉 the following extensions: extension=php_openssl.dll and extension=php_curl.dll.
– Mac: contact us for more information
– Linux: install PHP-OpenSSL and PHP-Curl rpms.
For Win32/64 users, in order for these extensions to work, two DLL files (libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll) must be available to the Windows system PATH (System32 or SysWOW64). For information on how to do this, see How do I add my PHP directory to the PATH on Windows
Although copying DLL files from the PHP folder into the Windows system directory also works (because the system directory is by default in the system’s PATH), this is not recommended. PHP folder is located in the main LabCollector folder, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\AgileBio\LabCollector\php.
PHP will search for the openssl.cnf using the following logic:
  • The OPENSSL_CONF environmental variable, if set, will be used as the path (including filename) of the configuration file.
  • The SSLEAY_CONF environmental variable, if set, will be used as the path (including filename) of the configuration file.
The file openssl.cnf will be assumed to be found in the default certificate area, as configured at the time that the openssl DLL was compiled. This usually means that the default filename is c:\usr\local\ssl\openssl.cnf.


Basically, just create the folder C:\usr\local\ssl (folder usr then local then ssl) and copy openssl.cnf provided in \LabCollector\php\extras
In System Properties > Environment Variables, ensure that OPENSSL_CONF is pointing to the file path as well, then restart the computer/server.

Using Signatures in the ELN
Once set up this will allow the application of signatures to specific pages within the ELN.
At the bottom of the ELN page is a button to close and sign the page.  Clicking this button will provide a prompt to re-enter the user login credentials.  The time stamp, user and signature information will be presented. The content of the page is then locked.  If your signatures are not enabled or set up properly, the page can be closed without the application of a signature.