Forensics LIMS
The large panel of forensic sciences requires a LIMS combining simplicity, reliability, and security. LabCollector LIMS supports your forensic laboratory using all types of sample report and tracking (e.g. automatic links, barcoding), storage of a large panel of crime scene documentation and results (e.g. documents, images, and videos), reagent and chemical management and lab workflow.
We know that one main word in forensics lab is security and that’s why LabCollector offers different possibilities to manage accessibility to your lab database. Six user levels can be configured to allow efficient and secure data manipulation (Super-Administrator, Administrator, Staff+, Staff, User and Visitor). Data entries made by a lab member with the permission level of User remain in a waiting status until an administrator validates it. Passwords are encrypted in the database. Moreover, for traceability purposes, a history log is provided and is accessible by the super-administrator. Audit trail is important for forensic labs. For this a data versioning option is also proposed (to track changes in sample information).
Forensics Lab Process
LabCollector is a ready-to-use environment that you can customize. Sample tracking is one of the core features, but the addition of versatile add-ons provides extra functionality to meet the needs of any forensics lab. Configurations that can support the forensics activity include: LabCollector main interface WorkFlow Add-on Data logger for sensor monitoring Lab Service Manager (LSM) I-Collector for automatic instrument data collection The WorkFlow add-on provides step-by-step processing and a data saving interface to track individual samples and/or plates or batches of plates. The LSM add-on offers services to partners or clients to keep track of all samples arriving for processing. Information created during all projects steps is stored in the LSM and LabCollector LIMS.