Automated data acquisition
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Automated data acquisition(CSV)
Instrument integration has helped labs with automating the processes in the labs to minimize erroneous procedures. One of the key things that can cause error in manual data entry. LabCollector add-ons not only allow integration of instruments but also help in capturing data automatically from them. Our parsing add-ons help in acquiring complex data from instrument and break it down into its constituent parts to integrate the information automatically in LabCollector. Furthermore, our parser add-ons allow file parsing everywhere, from folders that are either shared locally or on cloud, making automated data acquisition easier than ever.

I-Collector Parser edition:
I-Collector Parser is a special edition of I-Collector which can help in parsing result files received from instruments. These files can contain information about the result values, or samples, etc. Transferring such files (CSV, xls, xlsx) to parser will help them getting processed. Parsing will help rearrange the complex data into a structure that can be read by LabCollector. These parsed files can then be also transferred to LabCollector to integrate the result, test or sample data.
Parser Addon
The Parser Add-on is a tool that provides file parsing anywhere using shared folders (local or cloud) and automatically import selected values into LabCollector.Files from instruments or from any other source can be read and imported in real time by using powerful automated cron/tasks. Setting up multiple reader models (or templates) is very easy and flexible, all made on the add-on interface. You only need to know a few things about the input files and where the data will go in LabCollector. This add-on will connect to the LabCollector API and do the job for you. The parser add-on accepts multiple file formats as data input: CSV, XML, JSON, Excel…>>Read more

Win2Parser is a Windows middleware utility allowing automation of raw data files acquisition and treatment from multiple locations into LabCollector. Each instance can monitor multiple folders allowing dedicated logics. It connects to Parser add-on or to any customized parsing script hosted on LabCollector server.
A parser is an interpreter/compiler that breaks a data into its structured elements for easy translation. The files that are uploaded in the computer are split into parts, data is extracted and imported into the computer. Our LabCollector solution uses this functionality to parse files that are imported by our Win2Parser add-on. It provides an interface to select a folder from your windows computer to the LabCollector to parse files from. Such files require some type of read-write access and due to this we ensure to develop scripts that abide the regulations and do not hamper the data integrity. Win2Parser allows you to see logs containing changes done to the file. Data is extracted from various electronic file types such as txt, csv, and others. For example, in a test lab, a list of sample data (.csv fie) needs to be imported in LabCollector Sample module. To do this, our Win2Parser will help import the .csv file from windows computer in to LabCollector. LabCollector will parse (split & extract) data from the excel file to import individually, sample IDs, patient names, tests and other parameters to insert them in the fields created inside sample module. >>Read more