Quick WiFi configuration for OW-Server WiFi - LabCollector

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Quick WiFi configuration for OW-Server WiFi

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Configuration of the OW-SERVER_v2-WiFi (USB flash drive, basic configuration)

Using a USB cable with a micro USB connector on one side, connect the OW-SERVER-WIFI-2 to your computer. The flash drive should have a file named “CONFIG.TXT”.


1. Open this file in a plain text editor (like Notepad)


2. Set your network’s configuration


3. Save the file.


4. Eject the disk and remove power from the OW-SERVER-WIFI-2.


5. Reapply power using the wall transformer and it will attempt to connect using the new settings. It may take over 60 seconds for the first connection. The delay will only occur on the first connection to the WiFi network, subsequent connections using the same WiFi parameters will happen quickly.




The USB port cannot be used to determine the current IP address assigned by the DHCP server. That is why using the USB port you can disable DHCP, set the device to a fixed IP address and then find the device at that address (assuming that there is no conflict with the desired IP address).

To enable DHCP, open your browser and navigate to the static IP Address (the one previously configured). This will open the Homepage of the OW-SERVER-WIFI-2, go to System Configuration > Network. Click “Enable DHCP” and save. Your OW-SERVER-WIFI-2 IP address will change and you will need to scan your network to get the new IP of your device.














For more details on OW-Server Wifi, please read KB-OW-Server WiFi manual.