How to activate and set different types of Equipment alerts? (v5.4 and below) - LabCollector

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LabCollector offers you to activate equipment alerts. You can activate alerts when creating new equipment. 
Moreover, LabCollector offers different types of equipment alert related to its maintenance, contract, and warranty.

 For v6.0 check this KB.

To set each of these alerts you first have to activate equipment alerts:-

  • First, you have to set up your email under ADMIN > Other > Setup > Proxy, tasks scheduler & Email
    See the KB-labCollector setup 5.2v for how to set up details.
  • Then, activate the maintenance alert under ADMIN > Preferences > Alerts and select Update Alerts Options.

There are 3 types of equipment alerts.

You can see the types of equipment alerts when you click on the Alerts tab in LabCollector where you can check various alerts for equipment.

A) Equipment Maintenance alert
B) Equipment contract alerts
C) Equipment warranty alerts

A) Equipment Maintenance alert

  • You can set this alert by adding or editing maintenance for equipment.
  • Check our KB to see how to add maintenance to equipment.
  • Once you have activated alert in equipment maintenance, all alerts related to it will be seen in the Alerts tab > Equipment maintenance needed in LabCollector.
  • When you click on the it will show all the details along with the information about the warranty and contract of the equipment if it is expired or not.


B) Equipment contract alerts

  • You can set this alert by adding or editing a record for equipment.
  • Check our KB to see how to add a new record in the equipment module.
  • if the equipment contract is ending it will be seen in the Alerts tab > Equipment contract ending in LabCollector.
  • When you click on the option you will list of equipment whose contract is ending.

  • If your contract is extended you can directly click on the icon and edit the date of the contract. The popup below will open when you click the icon.

C) Equipment warranty alerts

  • You can set this alert by adding or editing a record for equipment.
  • Check our KB to see how to add a new record in the equipment module.
  • if the equipment contract is ending it will be seen in the Alerts tab > Equipment warranty ending in LabCollector.
  • When you click on the option you will list of equipment whose warranty is ending.
  • If your contract is extended you can directly click on the icon and edit the date of the contract. The popup below will open when you click the icon.

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