AGB-W8X Manual for barcode scanning - LabCollector

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Firmware Version:

Read below command barcode to check scanner firmware version.


Below programming barcodes are applied for version not lower than B009NT_RFBTWCDE9220_W

Factory Restore:

It only restores configurations done from this setup manual.


Barcode Programming
Netum barcode scanners are factory programmed for the most common terminal and communications settings. If you need to change these settings, programming is accomplished by scanning the bar codes in this guide. An asterisk (*) next to an option indicates the default setting.

Many of the command barcodes only work with a scanner in a particular Bluetooth or 2.4G mode as indicated by the header row of each table

Connection Way:

Working via USB Cable
Get Started: Connect scanner with your device via USB cable. If you use US keyboard, it’s plug and play. If you use other type of keyboard , please refer to “keyboard language” to configure the keyboard language before you use it.

Working via 2.4G receiver
Get Started: Plug the USB receiver on your computer. If you use US keyboard, it’s plug and play. If you use other type of keyboard , please refer to “keyboard language” to configure the keyboard language before use it.

Working via Bluetooth
Get Started: Please refer to the “bluetooth pairing”. Once you’ve paired the bluetooth, locate the cursor on the place where you want to upload the codes than you can start to work.US Keyboard by default if you use other types of keyboard please configure keyboard language before you use it.


Command barcodes apply for all working mode.

Keyboard Language

For example If you use French Keyboard, scan command barcode of “French keyboard ”. If you use a US keyboard you can ignore this step.



Working Mode
If you are heading for a working area which lies outside the Bluetooth signal range, you may activate scanner’s store mode, following steps described below. Under this mode, all scanned data will be stored directly into the buffer memory of the device. Furthermore, the data entries will be permanently saved in the buffer memory prior to the manual upload into the working station, so that you may upload them when you are near your working device.


Get Battery Volume
Scan below command barcode to get battery rough volume



Idle time
Scanner will turn to sleep after idle/inactive for 1min
Scan “Disable module Idle time” before you doing any other setup from this section.


Convert Case



Bluetooth Connection Mode
Basic Mode (HID) (default)
Configures the scanner to Human Interface Device (HID) mode. The scanner will be discoverable as a Keyboard to other Bluetooth devices.


BLE for for Apple Devices (a software was required to work under this mode)


SPP Mode for for Windows or Android (a software was required to work under this mode)


Important Note:
If you want to shift from HID to SPP or BLE just scan the Corresponding command barcode.
If you want to shift from SPP or BLE to HID mode, please ignore (or delete) “Netum
turn off bluetooth scan command barcode of HID Open the bluetooth repair it.
Bluetooth keyboard Upload Speed


Wired Connection Mode
USB Keyboard and Virtual COM Set


Note: Wire and Wireless connect way selected automatically, the Wire way has high priority.

Hide Prefix or suffix digits
The start/middle/end of barcode chars can be hidden. After scan below hide set barcode, scan a double-digit hexadecimal number that you want to hide char length(00~FF e.g. hide length 4, scan 0, 4).


Output Format
To change the Scan Data Transmission Format, scan one of the eight bar codes corresponding to the desired format.


To Hide chars of barcode Start/Middle/End:

1. Scan the Hide Barcode Start / Middle Start / Middle length / End Chars symbol.
2. Determine the hex value for the length you wish to enter(hide 4 chars, scan 0,4; hide 12 chars, scan 0,C).
3. Scan the 2 digit hex value from the Numeric Bar Codes
4. Scan the output format to enable or cancel hide char function.


Custom prefix and suffix
Maximum 20 prefixes and 20 suffixes can be added to scan data for use in data editing. To set these values, scan a double-digit hexadecimal number (i.e. two bar codes) that corresponds to ASCII values. See the Table 1 and Numeric Bar Codes in appendix.
To Add a Prefix or Suffix:
1. Scan command barcode of ” Add Prefix” or” Add Suffix “.
2. Check the prefix or suffix hex value from the ASCII Chart.
3. Scan the 2 digit hex value from the Numeric Bar Codes
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all the prefix or suffix that you want to add.
5. Scan the output format to enable or disable prefix/suffix output.




Output Format
To change the Scan Data Transmission Format, scan one of the eight bar codes corresponding to
the desired format.

Example on how to add normal prefix or suffix on barcode “123456789”

Add ” A” and “B” as prefixes and “!” as suffix
1. Scan command barcode of ” Add Prefix”

2. Check the prefix hex value from the ASCII Chart. A- “4”,”1″; B-“4” “2”;
3. Scan the 2 digit hex value from the Numeric Bar Codes


4. Scan the output format to enable prefix output.

5. Scan command barcode of ” Add Suffix” to add “!” as suffix.

6. Check the suffix hex value from the ASCII Chart. !- “2” “1”
7. Scan the 2 digit hex value from the Numeric Bar Codes.


8. Scan the output format to enable suffix output.


9. Scan the barcode then you will get AB123456789!
Example on how to add Combination Key suffix for barcode “123456789”

Add “Ctrl+P” on “123456789” as suffix
1.Scan command barcode of ” Add Suffix” to add “Ctrl+P” as suffix.

2. Check the suffix hex value from the ASCII Chart. Ctrl+P – “9” “7” “5” “0”
3. Scan the 4 digits hex value from the Numeric Bar Codes.


4. Scan the output format to enable suffix output.

5. Scan the barcode 123456789. (test it on Excel)

Table 1. ASCII Character Equivalents