How to activate password for reports send by email to requester - LabCollector

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With the new features in LSM you can password protect your test result reports. This helps in compliance with regulatory bodies and prevents data breaching of important information. CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) & HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) states that the test reports are required released only to authorized persons and not to someone else. This can be maintained with the help of password protection, which is now a feature that you can use to password protect your results.
1. Compliance on

2. Set the password

3. Send results to requesters

1. Compliance on

  • You need to have the compliancy option for the password protection of reports to work.
  • If you have the compliancy pack, go to LSM->ADMIN->PREFERENCES->REGULATION should be ON and the settings need to be

2. Set the password

  • After this you need to go to LSM->ADMIN->CONTACTS->REQUESTERS
  • You can create a requester or edit an already existing one.
  • When you add or edit, you will see the below option.
  • The lab where the LSM add-on is installed in LabCollector will be able to set the password for requester. 
    *The requester and the lab can convey the password information to each other.
  • 1. IMPORTANT: Please also check the Email checkbox, for the requesters to receive result report pdf by email.
  • 2.You need to add the password and save the requester.
  • 3. Go to general contact tab.
  • 4. Add the email of the requester
  • 5. Save the settings

3. Send results to requesters

  • When you create a job, you will be required to select the requester/provider.
  • When a job is finished, you can send the results to the requester.
  • 1. Choose the job or test/sample you want to send the report for and click and option.
  • 2. Click on report
  • 3. Click on Email


  • As soon as you click on the email, the report will go to the requester as a zip format.


  • When the requester clicks on ZIP file, the PDF will require the password to open. This will be the same password that he added in the section 2.


The jobs can now have one main requester and many other secondary requesters.
If the Main requester has the password feature ON, only he/she will have to input the password for the pdf.
If the Secondary requesters have the password ON they will have to add the password too. (It can be the password that was added while creating them as requesters).
If the Secondary requester DO NOT have the password on then they can open the report without the need of the password.

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