Step-by-step guide on how to use Training Manager add-on - LabCollector

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The following knowledge base provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the Training Manager add-on, from creating trainings and assigning users to managing skills, categories and skill levels.

The screenshot below represents the main interface of the Training Management add-on upon first access.


Some options are only available to the Super Administrator, such as the Training Catalog, Setup & Users menus, which are located on the top right corner.

    1. Creating Trainings

    First, click on “Training Catalog” menu, then click on “Add Training”.

    You will then get the following page (see screenshot below), which is a form you need to fill out with all the necessary details about the training you want to create, such as its name, the training’s code, its category, the description, a short description. There are also multiple sections within the form, such as : General, Dates, Training Materials. (Which are explained below).


    1.1. General settings:

    In this section, you will need to input the training’s name, code and its category (see chapter 2 below on how to manage categories), you will also need to input a full description on what the training involves and what is it made for, a short description would also be helpful for users to quickly get a glimpse of what’s the training for and whether it concerns them or not.
    You will also need to fill out the text for the consent part, select a target skill and type (see chapter 3 below on how to manage skills), alongside the skill level acquired upon finishing the training.

    1.2. Dates:

    In this section, you will need to specify whether the training you are creating has an expiry date or not.

    If you select “Yes”, you will need to input how many years and months it will take for the training to expire (as shown below).

    1.3. Training Materials:

    In this section, you can add all the necessary training materials that your staff will need to complete the training, you can either upload the documents directly from your computer or add them from your LabCollector’s documents module.


    2. Manage Categories:

    To manage your categories, simply go to the “setup” menu and click on “Manage Categories” (as shown below).

    Once you click on “Manage Categories” you will gain access to the following page:


    Here, you can manage your training categories, you can add new ones, edit and delete already existing ones.

    To add a new category, simply click on the “Add” button located to the left, (as shown in the screenshot below).


    To edit or delete an existing category, simply click on the corresponding button next to the category of your choice, (as shown below).


    3. Manage Skills:

    To manage skills, go to the setup menu, then click on “Manage Skills”, the following page will appear:

    To add a new skill, click on the green “plus (+)” icon located on the right corner. The following form will then appear:

    First of all, you need to give your skill a name, then select the appropriate permissions, as this form allows you to restrict access to some parts of LabCollector, meaning that those who do not have this particular skill won’t be able to access the LabCollector parts mentionned above, such as certain Equipment categories, add-ons, and modules. Keep in mind that you can specify at each step which of these add-ons/modules will no longer be accessible.

    For the “Disable permissions check” option, when checked, it removes the application of your skill group restrictions on all of LabCollector.

    Whereas the “LabCollector Access” option, when checked, it restricts access to all of LabCollector after login.

    Once you fill out the form and click on “Add”, the following pop-up message will appear:

    Your skill group will then appear on the main list, you can then edit/delete it by clicking on the corresponding button located to the right (as shown below).


    4. Manage Skill Levels:

    To manage skill levels, simply go to the setup menu and click on “Manage Skill levels”, the following page will appear:

    You can add new skill levels by writing their name onto the corresponding box located to the left, then simply click on the blue “Add’ button.

    Your skill levels will then appear on the main list located to the right, you can then edit their names or delete them.

    By default, there are going to be 4 levels already available on your add-on, which are: Fundamental Awareness, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert.


    5. Managing Users:

    To manage your users, go to the “Users” menu, then click on “Manage Users”.

    Here, you will be able to assign users to selected trainings, grant them certain skills, specify their roles (Trainer, trainee), see their profile details…etc.

    As shown in the screenshot above, you will see a list of all LabCollector users, you can select the ones you require by checking the box located to the left, you can then add/remove their skills by clicking on the green button, located on the top left corner (as shown below).

    The following pop-up will then appear, click on the skills you want to grant your selected user, then hit the button “Update”.

    You can also search for particular users or filter them out depending on the criteria you are interested in (particular skills, trainings, roles…). To do so, simply click on the green magnifying glass icon located to the right, or click on the rewind button next to it in order to cancel all your selected filters.

    To the right of your screen (see screenshot below), you will notice a couple more options, you can either set the selected user as a trainer (this will allow them to manage trainings, add necessary documents, manage trainees…etc.) or remove their trainer status. You can also see all the trainings that the user is involved in by selecting the following icon .

    Also, you can access each user’s profile by clicking on their name, here you will see their ongoing trainings, the ones they have already done, and the ones they haven’t started yet, alongside other details, such as the skills they have acquired, their role, and the number of mandatory trainings they are involved in.

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