How do you create a custom field? For version 5.2 onwards - LabCollector

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How do you create a custom field? For version 5.2 onwards

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For version 5.2 onwards.

Only accessible to super-administrator and administrator.

All modules are ready to use with a predefined data structure (fields) adapted to the expected content (Default fields). Nevertheless, you may need some extra fields or numbering options for your lab specific information.
LabCollector allows you to create unlimited extra fields in each module in order to personalize your data forms by easily adding custom fields and by editing the standard fields.

Here is an example of a record with custom fields:

You also have an analysis tab where you can add other custom fields separated from the main view (for more information, see  KB-Custom fields: Tab analysis):

Go to Admin > Data > Custom Fields

  1. Select the module where you want to add or edit custom fields in the list to the left.
  2. If possible (module dependent), choose if you want a custom field in the main form or in the Analysis tab (see above) , Maintenance tab (Equipment module), Risks tab (Reagent & Supplies module) or Registry Book tab ( in all modules with storage option).
  3. Create a new custom field

Your custom fields in the list can be simply ordered by drag and drop.  You can rename the field just by clicking on the field name.

Since 5.3 version, you can move the fields by drag & drop or click on the attributed number and give another one. Typically selecting a position to move the field to is useful when you have more than 20 fields.

If you encountered an issue after creating/deleting or modifying the name of a custom field (e.g. the module doesn’t work anymore), you can check the fields integrity with the link of the same name. Use with caution. This action cannot be undone.

The additional icons help you to remember the options of your field.  If you hover the mouse over the icon these details appear:

Database field: real name in the database
File upload stored in the database
File upload stored in the disk folder \Documents
Link field to/Limited field to
(scrolling over gives you more info)
Included in the search bar as a filter
Searchable field
Mandatory field
Category field
Encrypted field
Alerts active (Date field)
Read-only field
Uniqueness option active
Encrypted field

Since 5.41 version, you can choose to activate or deactivate custom fields as in default fields section using the switch button on the right. Values of this field are kept in the database but are not available in the record.

When you add a new custom field, a form opens (options and fields new to version 5.42 are indicated):

  1. Indicate the field name.
  2. You have the possibility to add helper text. Helper text is visible in edition mode (appears when hovering the mouse on the field).
  3. The post-fix value will be displayed after the field value (e.g. unit of measure, see below).
  4. Choose the custom field type. For more information on field types, please read KB-Custom field type.
  5. Choose the category of your fields if needed. For more information, please read KB-Custom field: field category v5.2x.
    You can also define that the field is only available in the Analysis tab or another tab depending of the module. For more information, see the  KB-Custom fields: Tab analysis option.
  6. If you want to include the field value in the Summary line. The following field types can be selected for the Summary Line: Textbox, checkbox, dropdown select lists, and date types.

Postfix example, in edition and reading view:      

Example of summary lines in a custom module:


  • Keyword searchable: You can indicate if the field will be searchable or not. If you check YES, field data will be included in the search (using keywords).
  • Search filter: Indicate if the field will be used as a search filter or not. This function gives additional filtering for searching within a module. Only applies on Select list, Date, Time, Checkboxes and Free text field types.


  • Mandatory field: Mandatory fields must be completed when creating or editing records. Mandatory fields have a red mark *.
  • Uniqueness fieldnew to 5.41– Duplicate values will not be authorized.

  • Read Only Fieldnew to 5.4 – Available with the Compliancy Pack (KB-Compliancy pack) – Once this option is selected this field cannot be modified when you select Edit Record. It can only be changed via an API or via the Workflow Manager Add-on.


The “decimal field” is a read-only field. The modification is not possible when you edit the record.



  • Encrypted Field new to 5.4 – Available with the Compliancy Pack (KB-Compliancy pack) -This option allows you to encrypt particular fields in the database so that they are only visible through the LabCollector interface. See the example below on “patient name” field.

  • Color: Choosing a color for the field. This can make it easier to quickly view records to find information. To select a color, open the color pallet then with the cursor on the rainbow line select a primary color. After, you can choose the final color with the viewfinder: remain press on the left mouse click and release to select. New to 5.41 You can remove the color by editing the custom field.

Once created, all the custom fields can be edited , configured or deleted.
Database name can also be edited using the icon .  Special characters in the database name should be used with caution.

 When you create a custom field, the name you give it without special characters is the database name. Special characters are kept in the legend name that you can see under the NAME column.
For example, NAME/Legend name = N° of tubes (vol in µL)        database name = n_of_tubes_vol_in_l

 The edition panel is relative to the type of custom field. You can 1) change the field name, 2) change the color, 3) mandatory status, 4) change/add the category and 5) add in Summary line.
You can also convert field type, knowing that existing data will be kept:

  • From Checkbox to text or multiple select list
  • From Select list to text
  • From Text to select list (existing data will be grouped as select options)
  • From Text to checkbox (existing data will be grouped as checkbox options)
  • From Text to multiple select list

 Some fields can be configured.
You can add mask to text field. You can provide basic plain text, just by writing it in the field.  If you want an intelligent mask, write it between two ~ using the special characters below:

0 = Any number between 0-9
A = Any alphanumerical character [A-Z; a-z; 0-9]
Z = Any letter from A to Z [A-Z], uppercase
z = Any letter from A to Z [a-z], lowercase
X = Any letter from A to Z [A-Z; a-z], case insensitive

This icon   indicates that the field has a mask and if you hover over it with the mouse, the field mask appears.

Checkbox and select lists can also be configured by adding values. For more information, please read KB-Custom field type.


  • If you delete a field, all data stored on that field will obviously be lost!  This action cannot be undone.
  • When editing a field, if you reduce its size, longer data may be truncated and lost!  The lost data cannot be retrieved.
  • Some field names can induce MySQL errors. If this problem happens, use another name.