How to connect Parser to I-Collector? - LabCollector

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I-Collector is a middleware that helps connect lab instrument to LabCollector. You can read more about I-Collector in our blog. I-Collector can connect to add-ons in the LabCollector too, like LSM or Parser add-ons. Parser is an add-on that helps convert complicated instrument files into simpler ones, that can be further integrated into LabCollector. 

For this very reason, you can configure Parser settings with I-Collector.

Parser can detect various types of files that the instrument generate

Below we have explained the settings to configure Parser add-on with I-Collector. 

Follow the bellow steps to configure Parser add-on with I-Collector. 

1. Parser function

2. Configure I-Collector options in Parser 

3. Editing settings

1. Parser function

  1. Thus I-Collector parsing edition is the ultimate plugin to use in such cases. Parsing will help rearrange the complex data into a structure that can be read by LabCollector. All one needs to do is transfer the files (CSV, xls, xlxs) you want to parse in the I-Collector parser edition.

  2. Parser can detect the complicated files from the instrument in various ways. 

    1. Local Directory: When the file is received in a folder in the computer. You can specify the file type.
    2. Win2Parser: File can be transferred from another add-on in LabCollector.
    3. I-Collector: When the instrument is connected to I-Collector middleware which then passes the file to Parser add-on.
    4. Custom URL: You can transfer the file from a URL as well.
  3. Parser can detect various types of files to parse from the above folder, URL, etc.
    1. MS excel (xls)
    2. CSV
    3. XML
    4. Json
    5. Plain text

2. Configure I-Collector options in Parser 

  • To connect I-Collector you need to configure settings inside the Parser add-on.
  • AgileBio will provide you with the information (Alias, Disabled, Plugin library, Username, Password, etc.) that you need to update inside Parser add-on.
  • To set up the model of your lab instrument inside Parser add-on follow the below steps.

  • A. Go to Parser add-on and click on  “Add New Model” option. This option is to connect the lab instrument with Parser and I-Collector. 
  • B. Add the template name which will be provided by AgileBio. This is the template that the instrument will create after the test is finished running. This information will be present under “Alias” heading.
  • C. As explained in section 1 point 2 ,parser can receive the file created by instrument in various ways. However, to connect with I-Collector you need to choose I-Collector.
  • D. As soon as you select the I-Collector Connection configuration, options will drop down.
    • Host: It is always
    • Port: It is always 2222
    • User: it the name under SFTP username 
      *SFTP is SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) which securely transfers files.
    • Password: It the password to connect to I-Collector.
  • E. File type allows to to select the file, instrument is going to generate. It will be the under the “watching mask” heading. See section 1 point 3.
  • F. To create a folder on the homepage of Parser add-on you need to ick mark the “create” checkbox.
  • G. To connect I-Collector monitoring (to show I-Collector data will be displayed in history)  in Parser add-on.
  • H. Once everything is done, click on “Submit”.
  • When you go to the Parser add-on home page you will see the folder you have created.

3. Editing settings

  • In case you want to edit the settings of the model that you have created you can edit the settings by going to “Model List” option.

  • When you click the edit option you can will see the below pop-up.

  • You can edit the the model settings as per your requirements and more options.
  • CSV file parsing options, where you can define if your instrument CSV has comma, semi-colon and Tab.
  • You can even select the lines to ignore in CSV, such as file row where columns are named generally.

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