How to add two-factor authentication and Captcha functions? - LabCollector

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How to add two-factor authentication and Captcha functions?

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LabCollector provides different options to login and allows you to configure Two-Factor Authentication and Captcha function. LabCollector is now more secure to data breach by adding an additional layer of security to your LabCollector account. Most of the research sector now demands 2FA to comply with password restrictions, data security, etc. 

Follow the below steps:

  1. Log in options for Two-Factor Authentication
  2. Log in options for Captcha

1. Login options for Two-Factor Authentication

This option allows you to add a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to log in your LabCollector.

  • You will find the 2FA section with some parameters to modify:


1. Activation: Choose YES or NO to activate or deactivate the 2FA function

2. Expiry delay: With this setting, you can determine when you will be asked to use the 2FA system again to log in.

3. Type of message: Here, you will choose how the code will be sent to you. The email option is mandatory.

To use the SMS option in addition, you will have to integrate first a SMS application like Twilio or Plivo. (See our Integration page to learn more about this apps)
*Please refer to our knowledgebase on how to activate twilio.

  • Email & SMS & Auth Apps: Enables all three methods (email, SMS, and Authenticator apps like Google Authenticator).
  • Email & SMS: Allows 2FA via both email and SMS.
  • Email & Auth Apps: Choose between email or using an Authenticator app.
  • SMS & Auth Apps: Provides a choice between SMS or using an Authenticator app.
  • Auth Apps: Only Authenticator apps (such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator) will be used to generate the 2FA code.

    How Authenticator Apps Work:
    When you select Auth Apps as a 2FA method, you’ll need to install an authenticator app (e.g., Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.) on your mobile device. Once set up, a time-based one-time password (TOTP) will be generated, which the user enters during login.

    • Once the setup is done, you will have this 2FA step before log in to LabCollector.
    • An email with a code will be sent to the email address registered to the user’s profile wishing to log in. If the email is not send, you can click on the text (see above) to receive a new code.


    A super-administrator will never have a 2FA option to log in.

    If you are seeing this message you will need to add an email or phone number in the email field of the relevant lab member. Please go to Admin > Manager Lab Member, and fill in the required email field.

    2. Login options for Captcha

    A CAPTCHA test consists of two parts: a random sequence of letters and/or numbers and a text box.

    • You will find the Captcha section with some parameters to modify:

    1. Activation: Choose YES or NO to activate or deactivate the Captcha function

    2. Number of characters: With this setting, you can determine the number of characters you want (4 to 8). 

    3. Include letters: Here, you can check a box if you want to have a mix between numbers and letters. The system will randomly select numbers and letters to form a code of the size you have chosen.

    • Once the setup is done, you will have this Captcha step before log in to LabCollector.
    • It’s possible to have the 2 functions activated at the same time.

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