Switching to the ServerManager v2.5 (old way) - LabCollector

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Switching to the ServerManager v2.5 (old way)

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The new Lab Server Manager v2.5 brings:

-Apache 2.4 with SSL support (https)
-Mysql 5.6
-LabCollector instances easy upgrades

In order to replace your old manager v1.x, do the following steps:

1/ Download the new LabCollector installer v2
2/ Uninstall LabCollector using Windows control panel.
3/ Rename AgileBio folder to AgileBio_OLD in Program Files (x86)
4/ Install the new LabCollector with the new installer
5/ Start the new Server Manager in order to complete the setup.
7/ Now we need to replace the default LabCollector with yours:

– copy www/lab and mysql/data/lab from AgileBio_OLD to the new AgileBio freshly installed folder.


Your old LabCollector should be available again. You can upgrade to latest version using update button located on the new server manager

ATTENTION: Take care that this update NEEDS a recent LabCollector 4.97 and up in order to support PHP5.5.