Guide to LabCollector for new Clients! - LabCollector

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Guide to LabCollector for new Clients!

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Once you have purchased LabCollector and the payment has been done, you need to follow certain steps to install or start with LabCollector. Once your a client, you will fall under 2 categories, where you need to follow appropriate steps.

1. On-Premise Clients

  • a. Registration in Client area & LabCollector download
  • b. LabCollector Installation
  • c. Obtaining license 

2. Online/SAAS Clients

1. On-Premise Clients

a. Registration in Client area & LabCollector download

  • You need to login first time as a client (with first time password given by AgileBio) on Client area in order to download LabCollector.
  • At first, try clicking on “Forgot your password?”, you should receive a new one directly into your email address.

If you are still unable to access your account, or if you are having difficulties receiving the password, please don’t hesitate to contact our sales team via the following email address: [email protected]. The respective sales person shall give you the first time password for logging into your client area.


    • You will then need to download LabCollector and the respective add-ons that you have purchased.
    • *Please refer to our Knowledge Base for Client area navigation.


    b. LabCollector Installation

    1. On-premise are clients that install LabCollector on their own institute servers (Locally).
    2. For installation there will be 2 scenarios:
      1. Scenario i: Paid installation: If you have paid for AgileBio’s team assistance for installation of LabCollector, then AgileBio shall hold a meeting and assist during the installation process.
      2. Scenario ii: Unpaid installation: If you have not paid for AgileBio’s installation assistance from then your own IT team shall help you with the installation.
        *Please refer to our Manual and Knowledge Base for installation of LabCollector in Mac, Linux or Windows.
        *NOTE: In case you need encounter an issue during installation, then please raise a ticket from our ticket portal for faster and better support.
    3. You can also get help from our Knowledge Base , demo webinar & online manual for installation and configuration.
    4. *NOTE: In case of an issue please raise a ticket from our ticket portal for the issue for faster and better support.


    b. Obtaining license 

    • Once you have installed the LabCollector, you can generate your license directly from client area.
    • *Please refer to our Knowledge Base for Client area navigation.
    • *Please refer to our Knowledge Base for obtaining a license.

    2. Online/SAAS Clients

    1. On-premise are clients that install LabCollector on AgileBio’s servers.
    2. Hence, once you are a client, AgileBio shall provide you with your LabCollector instance link and a first time password.
    3. If you want to update a new password then you can reset your password after the first login by going to LABCOLLECTOR -> ADMIN -> MANAGE USERS.
    4. You can also get help from our Knowledge Base , demo webinar & online manual for installation and configuration.
    5. *NOTE: In case of an issue please raise a ticket from our ticket portal for the issue for faster and better support.

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