What's Protein Tracking System add-on? And how to use it? - LabCollector

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Protein Tracking System (PTS) is an add-on within LabCollector , which offers a comprehensive solution for managing protein production and purification activities. With its web-based interface, users can access the system from anywhere and manage an unlimited number of projects.

The numerous management tools included in the PTS add-on make it easy for users to keep track of their protein production, transfection, purification and analysis activities. This includes tracking the progress of projects, managing resources, and monitoring results. The system also provides a centralized database where users can store information about their proteins, such as the source, amount, and purity, as well as its storage location within the lab.

The PTS add-on is suitable for both routine projects and technical platform service activities, making it a versatile solution for managing your proteins in a laboratory setting. Whether you are a researcher, scientist, or lab manager, the PTS add-on can help you work more efficiently and effectively by providing a centralized, organized, and accessible way to manage your proteins.

The Add-on also has a user-friendly interface, that is intuitive and streamlined, allowing users to quickly navigate and complete tasks.

The screenshot below provides a comprehensive visual representation of the main interface of the Protein Tracking System add-on.


Some options are only available to the Super Administrator, such as the Setup & Admin menus (C & D).
  • A: When you click on the “Home” button, you’ll be taken to the main page (as shown in the screenshot above), which is our default landing page when you first access the add-on. To help you make the most of it, let’s take a closer look at each section:
    • 1: Search with Ease: Looking for specific protein projects? You can search for them using the project code or keyword, the name of the protein/DNA you’re seeking, or the date the record was first created. We’ve made it easy for you to find what you’re looking for!
    • 2: Project Tree: Keep track of all existing protein projects with our project tree. With a quick search function built in, you can focus on your own proteins if you like.
    • 3: Job Status: Keep tabs on the status of all your jobs in one place. You’ll see the number of active projects, total projects, ongoing protein requests, clonings, transfections, purifications and more. Stay in control and stay informed!
    • 4: Latest Proteins: See all the latest proteins created, alongside their details such as creation date, protein name, project name and requester.
    • 5: Live Feed: For super admins and administrators, our live feed of protein requests is a game changer. You can validate or reject requests, edit or delete them, or even duplicate them for easy management.
Please, note that when you validate a request, you will get a new tab prompting you to confirm your choice and complete the step. Once done, an email will be sent to all users included in the step.
Also, when you try to delete a protein request, you will also need to confirm its deletion.


  • When you click on a project from the project tree, you’ll be taken to a detailed preview page. Here, you’ll find all the information you need to know about your project – its status, creator, and more. Plus, with just a click of a button, you have the ability to archive it or make changes. Here’s what you’ll find:
    • Quick preview: Get a comprehensive view of your project, including its status (for example: & ), creator, and more. You’ll have all the information you need at your fingertips!
    • Archive : Need to take a project off the table for a while? No problem! With the archive feature, you can easily remove it from view and return to it later.
    • Edit : Make changes to your project as needed with the easy-to-use edit feature. Update information, make tweaks, and keep your project moving forward.
    • Print : Want to share your project details with others? With our print feature, you can print a hard copy of the project for your records or to share with your team.
    • Delete : No longer need a project? Delete it with ease and keep your project tree organized and up-to-date.


  • B: The “Add Projectsection allows for the creation of new projects. All you need to do is input a project code, a date and a project scientific coordinator, then click on “Add project”.



  • C: As an administrator, you play a crucial role in managing and maintaining the smooth operation of the add-on. That’s why we’ve designed the “Admin” Section to be the ultimate tool for streamlining your work. Here, you can easily manage and monitor user activity, including adding new users, updating user’s role, and configuring their access.

    • 1: In this section, you have the ability to search for specific users and modify their status. Simply enter the name and/or email of the user you’re looking for in the search bar.
    • 2: The names of all the add-on users are listed in the first column.
    • 3: In the second column, you can easily change the status of each user by checking the green checkmark or prohibition icon. If a user is currently active, you can click on the green checkmark to deactivate them. And if a user is inactive, you can click on the prohibition icon to activate them.
    • 4: In the third column, you can view the role of each user, whether they are an administrator or just a regular user. You can also change their role by clicking on the user text to set it as “admin” or vice versa.
    • 5: In the final column, you have the ability to set access rules for each user. You can select the steps that a user is allowed to access, or deselect the steps you want to restrict. For example, you may want to give an admin user access to all steps, while a regular user only has access to certain steps.


  • D: The “Setup” Section provides the necessary steps for setting up the add-on. The following is included:

    • 1: Add custom fields: Make the add-on work for you by customizing settings, such as adding new custom fields, choose the name you want for the field, its type, and the step in which you want to introduce this field.
    • 2: Current custom fields and values: In this section, you will find a list of all custom fields that have been created. You will see the field’s name, type, and the step in which it is introduced. Additionally, you can delete any existing custom fields by clicking on the “Delete” button .
    • 3: Manage Analysis: You can add your preferred analysis methods such as MS-MS, ELISA, SPR, …etc. This way, you can ensure that your analysis needs are met.
    • 4: Manage Units: In this section, you have the ability to manage your preferred units, such as ml, ul, etc. This way, you can ensure that the add-on is using the units that you are most comfortable with.
    • 5: Steps Options: You can add custom steps to the add-on, and choose whether you want to keep existing ones active or deactivate them. For example, you could add a step for “Molecular Cloning” and choose to keep it active. This way, you can ensure that the add-on is tailored to meet your specific needs and requirements.

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