How to change parameters in I-Collector? - LabCollector

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After our developer created your plugins in I-Collector, some options can be set up.

Through, Menu > LC Connection settings you access to three tabs:

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1. In LC connection settings, you can change:

  • the target URL, URL used to call the API used with I-Collector so your [YOUR_URL]/webservice/v2/
  • [Get] and [PUT] commands
  • the token available under your LabCollector through ADMIN > Setup > Web Services API
  • locate field name
  • display filed name
  • Module name corresponding to the module reaches by the plugin (Database name).
  • Query filter

2. Parser module manager to indicate to I-Collector where are the files to read in case of output file reading.
In the Alias column, all the plugins will be available.
For each of them, you can change the path to access to the folder where I-Collector has to read the output file (Watching folder column).
In Watching filter column, you can for each plugin, associate a filter on the file type.
Either only the extension with an asterisk to replace all characters before as *.xml or more complex filter as *_Export_*.xlxs. In this last example, all the files with “_Export_” and the extension .xlxs will be read by I-Collector.

3. In the reporting system section, you have to set up the information to send email.
Fill the form with the sender email account, smtp server, password, smtp port.
In receipt email accounts, add all the emails that need to receive the excel report. Separate the email with a semi-colon.
Choose a reporting interval, minimum of 10 minutes.
You can activate or deactivate this function by checking the box “Reporting enabled”.

Note: Since June 2017 API v1 was discontinued and all new evolutions are in API v2.