How to setup and configure Scan Server with LabCollector? - LabCollector

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How to setup and configure Scan Server with LabCollector?

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Reading barcodes from SBS-format racks, a 2D-Barcoded sample is made effortless by the Rack scanner. The tubes don’t need to be removed from the rack to be scanned. LabCollector offers integration of rack scanners to increase the automation process in labs thereby reducing data entry errors. LabCollector scan server uses TCP/IP server that can send results over local/remote networks. Thus, data can be imported from rack scanners & a file can be generated that is then integrated into LabCollector LIMS. Our add-ons like tube sorter can work hand-in-hand with rack scanners to ensure automated efficient sample tracking.

Scanners always work with their own software. AgileBio’s Scan Server allows for the conversion of scan results into a rack/tray map file comprehensible by LabCollector using Batch Generator (Rack Scanner) tool.

To set up the scan server follow the below steps:

1. AgileBio Scan Server Installation

2. LabCollector setup for connecting scanner to the Batch generator (Rack Scanner) tool

3. Rack Scanners installation & connection

  • Ziath Scanner setup
  • FluidX Scanner setup
  • Micronic Tracxer setup

4. How to install windows root certificate

1. AgileBio ScanServer installation

  1. LabCollector offers integration of rack scanners to increase the automation process in labs thereby reducing data entry errors.
  2. LabCollector scan server uses TCP/IP server that can send results over local/remote networks.
  3. Thus, data can be imported from rack scanners & a file can be generated that is then integrated into LabCollector LIMS.
  4. This Windows software is a server listener to directly connect LabCollector with Rack Scanners.
    * The listener is a separate process that runs on the database server computer. It receives incoming client connection requests and manages the traffic of these requests to the database server.
  5. You can download this utility (Server listener) from your client area by going to DOWNLOADS -> UTILITIES -> SCANSERVER.
  6. After downloading, the .exe file will look like below.
  7. Click on it and follow the installation process.
    NOTE: Alternatively, this can be done on the same computer where the Traxcer software is installed, if LabCollector is not on the same computer/server.
  8. You need to install the file and keep the path as shown in the below image. (…\AgileBio\ to create \AgileBio\AgileBioScanServer)
    – Agree to the terms and conditions and click on install.
  9. Once the installation is finished you will see the below image, where you can click on finish.
  10. Once installed, a shortcut icon will be created on your desktop.
  11. When you click on it, It will ask you to provide you with a valid license, which will be provided by AgileBio. (Click on the link Contact us)
  12. Once you enter the license or on the demo mode if you don’t have a license you will a certificate generation (HTTPS connection) messages like below as the certificate for will be installed.


    – After running the Scan Server application and trying to connect it with LabCollector installed on another computer, you need to install the certificate from the scan server on the computer certificate manager.
    – You can get this certificate from the scan server manager “Certificate” icon and download the file.
    – Without this step, the scan server will not be able to connect to the LabCollector.
     *(Check this link to see how to install a windows certificate)

  13. Once the certificate is installed the scan server application will open like below.


2. LabCollector setup for connecting scanner to the Batch generator (Rack Scanner) tool

  • To use the Batch generator (Rack Scanner) tool, the scanner has to be registered in LabCollector under ADMIN -> SETUP -> RACK SCANNERS.
    *In the LabCollector you will find this tool under TOOLS -> Batch generator (Rack Scanner).
  • You need to fill the details in the form that will look like below.
    *Below is a prefilled form with just an example to show you a demo.


    • 1. You can write here the scanner name.
    • 2. Here you can put the IP address and the port number. The Scanner IP corresponds to the IP address of the PC connected to the scanner.
      IP address: You can find the IP address for your network printer by using various methods or asking the IT person in your institute.
      *“Internet Protocol” (IP) — is a string of numbers, separated by dots, that identifies a computer or device on the internet or its local network.
      You can find the IP address by going to the command prompt on Windows and typing ipconfig and pressing enter. You will see the IP address below.
      Port: The port 5151 is usually the default port for printing.
       WARNING: Leave it untouched unless you have a good reason to change it
    • 3. Here you can select the scanner model from the dropdown menu.
    • 4. Once you are done you can click on “Update”.
    • 5. Here you can add the template for your plate or box for the scanner.
      – You need to add a template name and then copy-paste from a CSV inside the box.
      – The format for CSV is described in the note section in the image, with columns POS (for position); sample name; volume; sample_type.”
    • 6. Once you enter all the details you can click on update.
    • You can see the plate template by going to LabCollector under
      TOOLS -> .
      Under the Rack origin & template.
      NOTE: The icon for the Batch Generator tool has been updated to and the other add-on where you can add this template is called Sample2Box .

3. Rack Scanners installation & connection

  • Any scanner will work with their own software.
  • AgileBio’s ScanServer allows for the conversion of scan results into a rack/tray map file comprehensible by LabCollector using the Batch generator (Rack Scanner) tool.




Please check how to set up a Micronic Tracxer code reader setup with a scan server and LabCollector.

  • Thermoscientific Vision Mate setup

Please check how to set up a Thermoscientific vision mate code reader setup with a scan server and LabCollector.

  • LVL Scanner setup

…………Please check how to set up and integrate LVL rack scanners.

4. How to install windows root certificate

  • If you need to install the root CA (certificate authorities) certificate (self-signed) for the client computers.
  • Client computer can be the one other than the computer when LabCollector or scan server utility is installed (Main computer or server).
  • When these other computer want to access LabCollector or scan server utility then they need to install windows root certificate in these client computer for proper & secured connection to LabCollector or Scan server utility.
  • On client computer you can install root certificates.
  • Root certificates are public key certificates that help your browser determine whether communication with a website is genuine and is based upon whether the issuing authority is trusted and if the digital certificate remains valid.
  • If a digital certificate is not from a trusted authority, you’ll get an error message along the lines of “There is a problem with this website’s security certificate” and the browser might block communication with the website.
KB: Please follow the Knowledge Base on how to install root certificate.

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