How to process plates in sample receiving add-on? - LabCollector

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How to process plates in sample receiving add-on?

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For tests labs that receive 100’s of samples in a day, they can use our sample receiving add-on to quickly open a package and plate the samples. For labs that require quality checks (QC) for the sample before sending them to the tests, the sample receiving add-on is the best option.

Follow the steps below to process the plate in the sample receiving add-on:-

1. Create or scan a new package and plate the samples

2. Processing and Status of plates

  • Filling
  • Waiting for QC
  • QC failed
  • Finished
  • Workflow started

3. All options for the plate

1. Create or scan a new package and plate the samples

2. Processing and Status of plates

    – Filling

  • Once you create a package and plate the samples and save it, you will see this plate in the filling status.
  • Once you click to process the plate, it will ask you to select which package you want to unpack the plate from.
    This is because you can receive several packages for a project. When you want to put the samples to fill a plate, you can choose the samples from the package that you require.
  • Once you select the package you click on ok you will see the below popup where you have to scan the package or enter the barcode number manually.
    To check the barcode number manually, go to the homepage of the sample-receiving add-on, and next to the package name of your choice click on the barcode to see the code.
    For example, like below enter the barcode and unlock the plate.
  • You can plate the samples like below
  • Once you save you can choose the option finish plate. 

   – Waiting for QC

  • Once you click on finish plate you will see in under waiting for QC status.
  • Once you click on the option you will see the below page where you can perform the 1. Quality check (QC) for each sample and save the plate progression.
  • 1. You can choose the samples that are not good for QC and click on These samples will turn red in the box.
  • 2. You can reset the progression of the plate once all the QC failed samples are good. This will remove all the red color from the QC failed samples.
  • 3. If you choose the options fix plate it will remove all QC failed samples from the plate. You can again add the samples one they pass QC check.
  • 4. Here you can connect to the rack scanner to scan your plate. (Rack scanners can be defined in ADMIN -> SETUP -> RACK SCANNERS)

    – QC failed

  • 5. If you select “Reject QC” for the entire plate then the entire plate will move to “QC failed” status.
    For example like below.

    – Finished

  • 6. Once you finish the QC check and everything is good, you can click on plate direct validation.
    -Your plate will now be seen under finished status.


     – Workflow Started

  • When you click on the “start workflow” option. you will see the plate under workflow started status.
    For example like below.

3. All options for the plate

  • You will see the options next to all the plates.
  • Some of these options will be greyed out depending upon the status of the plate.
  • 1. This option allows you to open and process the plate.
  • 2. This option allows you to perform a QC check on the plate.
  • 3. Its barcode option to create a barcode for your plate.
  • 4. The search will open the box view of the plate in a new tab for you to search for your sample.
  • 5. The funnel icon will take you to the tube sorter add-on that helps you to sort tube samples.
  • 6. This is the link option that will open the storage browser where you can replicate the plate in the storage browser.
  • 7. This option will upload the plate samples into LSM. *Check our KB on how to link and process samples in the sample receiving and LSM add-on
  • 8. This option will memorize the plate for further actions in LabCollector.
  • 9. This option will connect you to the workflow add-on of LabCollector.

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