How to set up your LabCollector's general settings, logo & modules' names? - LabCollector

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How to set up your LabCollector’s general settings, logo & modules’ names?

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LabCollector offers various set-up options. It is ready-to-use (insofar as is possible), its configuration can be easily managed by the super-admin in order to meet your specific laboratory requirements. In the following Knowledge Base, we will show you how to set up your logo within your instance, how to configure some of the general settings, and also how to change your modules’ names.

To configure your general settings, simply go to ADMIN -> OTHER -> SETUP -> General settings, logo, modules names, etc:

  • When you click on the above option you will see this page:

    • A : Customization:
      • You can add your lab name.
      • You can change the logo that you want for your LabCollector Instance.
      • You can click on the “Clear logotype” option to remove the logo and replace it back with LabCollector logo.
        It will be replaced like below, for example:

    • B : Advanced Preferences:
      • The multilanguage option turns off the language options on the top right-hand corner of the LabCollector page.

      • You can use your default language for LabCollector.
      • You can turn “ON” or “OFF” the google interface translation.
           (*Use with care as it may break interface features. Allows interface translation to any language. May not work on your firewall).
      • LabCollector offers to export various information in a CSV format. So you can choose to export special characters in your CSV file. You can turn off this option, for example, when you are going to process CSV file by another application that does not read special characters.
          (*May not work on certain MS-Excel versions and MacOS versions).
      • You can choose the date format, for example, to show in your records or reports when you use LabCollector modules or add-ons. by default it is Year-Month-Day.
        If you choose the date format as custom you will have the following options.

      • You can also adjust the time zone according to your region.

      • LabCollector now provides an easy method to apply RFC 3161 trusted timestamps to time-sensitive transactions through independently verified and auditable date and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) sources. You can choose whether or not you want to activate the Certified timestamp option.
    • C : Gravatar:
      • You can access the gravatar webservice as well in LabCollector to personalize your login image. If you don’t want the gravatar to be used you can leave the box unchecked.
    • D : Database optimization:
      • This option is for optimizing the search in LabCollector using mySQL indexes. It will speed the search using keywords when you search in LabCollector.
        – Generally for all the instances it will show done.
        – But if not, then it will look like below. You can check the box and YES and create the MySQL indexes.

    • E : Built-in Modules Preferences:
      • Here you can ‘hide’ or ‘show’ the default and custom modules for the main page display of LabCollector.
        – You can also give alternate names to the modules.
    • F : Results per page:
      • Here you can define how many results you want to see on one page and if you want to do wrap the text in the columns.
    • G : Home panels:
      • You can hide messages, RSS feed, and Rack scanner and batch tools from the home page.
        * By default when you install LC you have the Rack Scanner and Sample Batch tools add-ons on the homepage as they are free.
    • H : File editing remote connector app:
      • Here you can choose to edit the file in real-time using our file-connector app.
      • LabCollector provides you an option to connect Fileconnector with any add-on or module use the web services option.
        * Read more on how to use file connector and the related topics in this knowledgeBase.
    • I : Import storage verification:
      • If you import your samples, for example, with specific storage location then you can tick this box in order to know if the position you’re importing your samples is already occupied.
*Read this KnowledgeBase to know more about sample import.

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