How do I print from LSM? - LabCollector

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LSM makes printing easy by allowing to print various options as stated below.

In LSM you have the option to print the following lists:

  1. Protocols
  2. Parameters
  3. Sample Types
  4. Test
  5. Equipment list
  6. Log list (Audit)
  7. Job list
  8. Requesters 
  9. Users 

Protocols, parameters, sample types and tests options are available in LSM > ADMIN > Preferences.

Equipment and Log list can be printed from LSM > ADMIN.

Job List can be printed from LSM > Job > Job list.

Requesters & Users List can be printed from LSM > Contacts.

1.Protocol printing

To have a hard copy of the lists of protocols that you perform in your lab you can print the protocol list.

  • Go to LSM > ADMIN > Preferences > Protocols.
  • Click on print
  • A new page with the list of protocols and its description will come. (Note: There is no option to print selective protocol)
  • You can also generate a barcode for the protocol. (Please click the link to know how to create a barcode)

-The barcode is generated with a code when the protocol is created, e.g. P1 in the below image.
(* Remember the barcode does not take into account the time when the Protocol information was modified).
-The barcode is generated automatically with the name of the protocol, e.g. Protocol 1: “Cell lysate for Western Blot” in the Add free text section.
-To see more on how to print a barcode, you can go to the above-mentioned link.

2. Parameters printing

In this option, you can print the different parameters used in tests.

  • Go to LSM > ADMIN > Preferences > Parameters.
  • Click on print
  • A new page with the list of parameters and its description will come. (Note: There is no option to print selective parameters)

3. Sample type printing

In this option, you can print the various types of samples that are used for tests.

  • Go to LSM > ADMIN > Preferences > Sample types.
  • Click on print
  • A new page with the list of sample types and its description will come. (Note: There is no option to print selective sample types)

4. Tests printing

In this option, you can print the different tests that are being performed in the lab.

  • Go to LSM > ADMIN > Preferences > Tests.
  • Click on print
  • A new page with the list of tests and its description will come. (Note: There is no option to print selective tests)
  • You can also generate a barcode for the tests. (Please click the link to know how to create a barcode)

-The barcode is generated with a code when the test was created in the list, e.g. A1 in the below image.
(*Remember the barcode it does not take into account the time when the test information was modified).
-The barcode is generated automatically with the name of the requesters, e.g. “Sterility” in Add free text section.
-To see more on how to print barcode you can go to the above-mentioned link.

5. Equipment printing

Please click the link to see how to print list of equipment.

6. Log printing (Audit)

Please click the link to see how to print list of audit trail log.

7. Job list printing

Please click the link to see how to print job list.

8. Requesters list printing

In this option, you can print the list of requesters.

  • Go to LSM > ADMIN > Contacts > Requesters.
  • Click on print
  • A new page with the list of requesters will come. (Note: There is no option to print selective requester)
  • You can also generate a barcode respective requesters. (Please click the link to know how to create a barcode)

-The barcode is generated with a code when the requester (Customer) was created in the list, e.g. C3 in the below image.
(*Remember the barcode it does not take into account the time when the requesters information was modified).
-The barcode is generated automatically with the name of the requester, e.g. “David Gloor” in the Add free text section
-To see more on how to print barcode you can go to the above-mentioned link.

9. Users list printing

In this option, you can print the list of users that have an account in the LSM add-on.

  • Go to LSM > ADMIN > Contacts > Users.
  • Click on print
  • A new page with the list of users will come. (Note: There is no option to print selective users)