What is e-catalog add-on? And how to use it? - LabCollector

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What is e-catalog add-on? And how to use it?

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e-catalog is an add-on within LabCollector , empowers scientists to search for new laboratory products directly from suppliers’ lists. Thanks to a flexible CSV parser and Punch-Out system, it seamlessly aligns with your LabCollector system, ensuring effortless and precise integration of product information into your LabCollector inventory.

The e-catalog Add-on provides institutes or companies with several benefits, including:

    • Automated Data Management: Say goodbye to manual data entry saving time and effort! The E-catalog enables automated mass imports of lab reagents, supplies, and consumables.
    • Suppliers Compatibility: You can utilize the E-catalog with any supplier’s either in CSV or Punch-Out format.
    • Real-time Inventory Updates: The E-catalog ensures synchronization with supplier databases and your LabCollector inventory, providing real-time updates.
    • Cost-Effective Solution: The E-catalog is a FREE add-on that helps laboratories save in costs while enhancing their lab management processes and productivity.

The Add-on also has a user-friendly interface, that is intuitive and streamlined, allowing users to quickly navigate and complete tasks.

The screenshot below provides a visual representation of the main interface of the e-catalog add-on.



Some options are only available to the Super Administrator, such as Data Source (menu C).
  • A: When you click on “Products“, you will be redirected to the main page (as shown in the screenshot above), which is also set by default when you first access the add-on. Here you will see a table with various information about the products, their status, description, and much more, below is a brief description of what each column correspond to:


    • 1 & 2: If you click in both symbols it will appear a pop-up where you will be able to change the supplier.
    • 3: Here you can search for the desired products using keywords of any column. To restrict the search to a specific column you can use the search box of that column.
    • 4: Column with the line number.
    • 5-11: Columns with: supplier ID information; auxiliary ID information; unit price information; description of the product (name); unit of measure; classification of the product and manufacturer ID information. The information of these columns can be setup in Data Source (menu C). In that menu you can decide what product information to be displayed here.
    • 12: Column with the user information of who created the product entry.
    • 13: Column with the creation date of the product entry.
    • 14: Column with the user information of who update the product entry.
    • 15: Column with the date of the last update of the product entry.
    • 16: Column with product status information:
      • Product waiting for approval from administrator;
      • Product approved from administrator;
      • Product rejected from administrator.
    • 17: If you click here it will appear all the detailed information of the product.
    • 18: Here you can chose how many rows showing per page (10, 20, 50, 100) and you can also change page.


If you pass the mouse cursor close to the status symbol you will have the validation of the person that approved, reject or added the product.


    • B: By clicking on “Suppliers“, you’ll have access to the list of suppliers added to e-catalog. Moreover you can add more suppliers. Here are the instructions how to do it:


      • 1 Click in Add supplier.


      • 2 First you will chose the type of seller. There will be two options: Import seller from LabCollector or New seller add.

      • 3.1 – If you select Import from LabCollector you will select a seller already created in your instance. So you can add this supplier by simply clicking in the green plus symbol. The plus grey symbol means that the supplier was already added.


      • 3.2 – If you select New seller you will add a new seller in your LabCollector instance. It will appear a form to be filled with the supplier information, such as: Name, Address, Telephone, Mobile, Fax and Email.

      • 4 – The final step is a message confirming the success in adding the seller to e-catalog.

    • C: By clicking on “Data Source“, you’ll have access to the list of CSV and Punch-out added to e-catalog. Here you will see a table with various information, each column correspond to:


      • 1: Column with the file name.
      • 2: Column with the type of separator for CSV.
      • 3: Column with the type of data source: Punch-out or CSV.
      • 4: Column with date that the data source was added.
      • 5: Column showing if the data source is enable: data source enable;data source not enable. Is only possible to have one data source enabled.
      • 6: Column with actions:delete data source not possible to delete data sourceenable data source add more products, opening the Punch-out interface


      • i) You can add new data source by clicking in Add New Data Sources. Here are the steps to follow:
        • 1. First you will chose if you want to Import from CSV file or Use punch-out system.

        • 2.1. If you select Import CSV you need to simply upload the file and select the separator type (comma, tab, semicolon, colon, pipe, other). When you finish you click in Save.

        • 2.2. If you select the Punch-out you will need to fill the form with your Merck account information and then you save.


        • 3. To activate the Punch-out you need to enter a random product to finish the configuration. It will appear the Punch-out and you will follow these steps:
          • 3.1. First you search for a product using its code, for example W1503-100ML (water).
          • 3.2. You click in panel that will open a pop-up with the product information.
          • 3.3. In the panel information you can add more units of this product. Afterwords you click in see the panel.



        • 3.4. A new page will open with detailed information of the full order (all the products add and respective quantities). If everything is correct you click in Transfer the panel.




        • 3.5.You can confirm the product information that will be transfer to the e-catalog. To conclude simply click in save.



        • 4. The final step is a message confirming the success in adding the CSV or the Punch-out into e-catalog.



      • ii) To configure the product columns in the menu products (A) you can go to the Configuration Columns. The act of mapping means that you will associate a product column to a field of the Reagents & Supplies module. Like this the update of the LabCollector inventory will be comprehensive and automatic. Each row correspond to a product information.



        • 1 Column name of the product information, extracted from the data source;
        • 2 – Mapped is the corresponded field in the LabCollector – Reagents & Supplies module;
        • 3 – The visibility of each row/product information in the menu products (A). The row with the symbol is hided, the row with the symbol is visible in the menu product. To make a information visible/hide simply select/deselect in the box;

        • 4- In the symbol of settings is possible to configure the mapping. Once you click in the icon it will open a pop-up for that specific row/product information. Afterwords you select the field of the LabCollector – Reagents & Supplies module that you want to associate with and finally you save it.


    • D: When you click on “Import new products“, you will be redirected to the punch-out page. To work in the punch-out will be the same logic as when you activated the Punch-out to finish the configuration (menu C point number 3).
    For now, the compatibility with Firefox is limited. If you want to use this functionality, please use incognito mode or switch to another browser.
    If you encounter problems while transferring the basket, please follow these steps:

    1. Go to your browser’s history.
    2. Select “Clear recent history”.
    3. Choose “Offline website data” from the options.
    4. Click on “Clear Now” to complete the process.
    5. Refresh the page.


    • E: When you click on “Show products exported to LabCollectorwill show the list of products approved by the administrator and now available in the LabCollector – Reagents & Supplies module.


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