How to create a Chain Of Custody (CoC) report and use it LSM & LSMRemote? - LabCollector

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Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on is the perfect application for service core & test labs.

You can read more about LSM on our Blog.  The requesters (clinics or institutes collecting samples) can submit orders to service test labs to perform tests on samples using the LabCollector add-on. You can create different parameters for jobs(test-orders), sample information, tests (protocol, reagents, equipment, input/processing/result-parameters), and configure your job according to your requirements. You can also create templates for your reports such as results, invoices, Chain of Custody (CoC).

*Please see our KB to see how to start with LSM add-on.

Follow the steps below to use to create CoC :-

1. Create CoC template

2. Select by default CoC template

3. Use CoC template in LSM

4. Use CoC template in LSMRemote

1. Create CoC template

  • To create a report template in LSM add-on go to ADMIN -> PREFERENCES -> REPORT & INVOICE TEMPLATE -> CREATE A NEW TEMPLATE
    * Below is the example of already created CoC.

  • 1. Here you need to enter the name of your report.
  • 2. Short description could be few words to describe the report.
  • 3. Rich text editor which helps you to create a report. Please read this KB to see the description for each option in text editor.
  • 4. Here you can find all the dynamic tags that you can use to autofill fields in your report.
  • 5. You can click on PDF option to view in PDF format how your report looks like. Or you can choose delete to delete the report that you have created.
  • Once you finish, click on save and update option at the end of the report section. Without clicking on the option, your report will not be saved.

2. Select by default CoC template

  • To select the CoC template and make it a default option, you need to go to ADMIN -> PREFERENCES -> REPORT & INVOICE TEMPLATE -> CREATE A NEW TEMPLATE -> OPTIONS.
  • When you click on options you will see the below pop-up
  • Now this template will be used in LSM add-on and LSMRemote by default.

3. Use CoC template in LSM

  • To see the CoC report you can create a job or go to job options and edit a job.
  • Under the samples option you can click on CoC option to see the report.
  • When you click on CoC option you can see the report. We have created an example for you like below.

4. Use CoC template in LSMRemote

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