How to configure header & footer in LSM report/CoC/invoices? (from v4.057+) - LabCollector

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Sample collection centers, or clients need t have reports/CoC (Chain of Custody) or invoice  with their logo and address. LabCollector LSM now offers possibility to add header & footer for each such center (requester, provider, sample collection center, clinic, etc).

Please follow the below steps to edit the edit and footer in the LSM:

1. Creating a template for the header and footer

2. Creating report/processing/CoC/invoice templates

1. Creating a template for the header and footer

  • You can now create different headers and footers for different requesters/clients/providers.

    The header and footer will be added to a particular requester and the Result reports, CoC’s, Processing reports, Invoices.
  • 1. The options here help you to
    • Add a new template for header and footer,
    • Search after adding a keyword in filter box (Steps A,B and C)
    • Delete the search that you have performed
  • 2. You can chose the requester/provider/client for whom you are creating the template for.
  • 3. Here you can add the template to the header.
  • 4. Here you can add the template to the footer.
    *Please read our Knowledge Base to see how to use the content editor to create templates.
  • 5. Here you can save the template of the header and footer you created.
  • 6 You can also delete the header/footer template if you create it in error or dont need it anymore.
  • 7. You will all the templates of header and footer you created in this section. You can click on the name to see the respective template.

    When you create a job with a specific requester, the header and footer template of this requester will be applied to the the job’s

2. Creating report templates

  • Here you can create the template for report/processing/CoC/invoices.
    *Please read our Knowledge Base on how to create a processing report.
    *Please read our Knowledge Base on how to create a Result report.
    *Please read our Knowledge Base on how to create a Invoice report.
    *Please read our Knowledge Base on how to create a CoC report.
  • Now you dont need to add your logo or create a header and footer here.
  • You can create the copy of your report body here to which the header and footer of respective requester will be applied.
  • Example of a result report with header and footer of the respective requester.
What is the purpose and use of the report unique ID barcode located in the footer?
For ISO/CAP compliance purposes, all reports generated need to be uniquely identified to avoid confusions when drafting. Once the report is FINAL, that ID remains the same as it is always the same report copied/replicated.
When you amend results, the new amended report will have a new ID and a link back to the original report ID.
The barcode can then be scanned to search for these reports without typos.

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