Rack scanners installation and connection with ScanServer - LabCollector

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Rack scanners installation and connection with ScanServer

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1. AgileBio ScanServer installation

This Windows software is a server listener to directly connect LabCollector with Rack Scanners.
Begin by downloading the scan server ZIP folder on /clientarea then section Downloads > Utilities (you may need to log in and/or register). After downloading, decompress the folder under \AgileBio\ to create \AgileBio\AgileBioScanServer. Alternatively, this can be done on the same computer where the Traxcer software is installed, if LabCollector is not on the same computer/server.

Be aware that a valid license for both the scanner and LabCollector is required for full functionality.  If one or both are on a demo license or expired license, some functionality may be limited.

To start the software, use the exe file AgileBioServer.exe. Execute this file performing a right-click and choose Run as administrator.
After the first run of the scan server application, you will see the message “Scan server is adding a new valid certificate for https connection”.

– After running the scan server application and trying to connect it with LabCollector installed on another computer, you need to install the certificate from the scan server on the computer certificate manager.
– You can get this certificate from the scan server manager “Certificate” icon and download the file.
– Without this step, the scan server will not be able to connect to the LabCollector.
 *(Check this link to see how to install windows certificate)

2. LabCollector setup

To use Sample’s batch tools add-on, the scanner has to be registered in LabCollector under ADMIN > Setup > Rack Scanners.
Fill the form with the required information.
The Scanner IP corresponds to the IP address of the PC connected to the scanner. To find this information, launch the command prompt under this PC, and type ipconfig/all. The IP number is listed under IPv4 Address.
By default, the port is 5151.

As of version 5.4 plate templates can also be added in this section.
Templates need to be in CSV format with columns POS (for position); sample name;volume;sample_type.

3. Rack Scanners installation and connection

Scanners always work with their own software. AgileBio’s ScanServer allows for the conversion of scan results into a rack/tray map file comprehensible by LabCollector using Samples Batch Tools add-on.


3.1 Ziath Scanner

Read the user guide from Ziath for more information.

  • Download and install the appropriate driver before connecting the scanner and installing the DataPaq™ software.
  • Connect the scanner to the computer and switch on using the button at the back.
  • Install DataPaq™.
  • Configure your scanner in DataPaq™, and note the unique ID used for remote interaction (Image source: Ziath).
  • For DataPaq™ v3.15 or later, in order to activate remote communication, you should run the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Ziath\DataPaq\server.exe -s” iniside the installation folder. A black command prompt window which you should keep it open.

Under AgileBio ScanServer, use the tab Options.

In General section, leave values by default. The server port is the same as in section 2.LabCollector setup.
Check the box Autostart if you want to start scanning using Samples Batch Tools Add-on.

In Ziath section, IP address, scanner port and notification port are by default.
You have to choose the unique ID corresponding to your rack that you define in DataPaq™ (see just above) from the list.


Check your firewall about the Ports security.

Now, you are ready to scan your rack!

1. Start your scanner and open AgileBio ScanServer (DataPaq™ will be open in the background)

 Be aware that Ziath scanners usually have an automatic sleeping mode which can be removed. If the scanner is sleeping, it will not react to scan requests.

2. Start the AgileBio ScanServer process

3. In Samples Batch Tools Add-on, choose the rack that you set up in LabCollector from the list, then click on Scan! button, the rack/box map preview appears, then Process to complete the import.

 JAVA has to be updated to allow to the Scan! button to be active.

In the option part, you can select the rack origin:

  • Based on the template [choose a template to apply] – new in v5.4
  • New tube rack or existing rack with direct barcode read
  • Existing tube rack, enter the rack ID/barcode corresponding
  • Replicate existing rack, select tube rack/box in the list. In this case, the box will be saved as secondary storage of existing samples.


3.2 Micronic Tracxer code reader

Install your scanner and the latest version of Tracxer code reader software. Ensure that Tracxer software has the default value for Output file option (see KB-Configuration of Micronic tracxer software)

Under AgileBio ScanServer, use the tab Options.

In General section, keep the default settings. The server port is the same as in LabCollector setup.
Check the box Autostart if you want to start scanning using Samples Batch Tools Add-on.

In Tracxer section, IP address and Timeout (60 sec) are by default.
If you want, choose the rack type defined in Tracxer software from the list.
Use the Register Control button to register DLL.


Check your firewall about the Ports security.

Now, you are ready to scan your rack!

1. Start your scanner and open AgileBio ScanServer.

 Tracxer software needs to be open in the background.

2. Start AgileBio ScanServer process

3. In Samples Batch Tools Add-on, choose in the list the rack that you setup in LabCollector, then click on Scan! button, the rack/box map preview appears, then Process to complete the import.

 JAVA has to be updated to allow to the Scan! button to be active.

In the option part, you can select the rack origin:

  • Based on the template [choose a template to apply] – new in v5.4
  • New tube rack or existing rack with direct barcode read
  • Existing tube rack, enter the rack ID/barcode corresponding
  • Replicate existing rack, select tube rack/box in the list. In this case, the box will be saved as secondary storage of existing samples.


3.3 FluidX scanner

Install your scanner and FluidX IntelliCode™ Decoding software.
Copy both files “RemoteEnable.bat” and “xtr96.xrs” from \AgileBio\AgileBioScanServer\FluidX User Deploy inside the IntelliCode installation folder.
Create a shortcut to “RemoteEnable.bat” on your desktop, and run this shortcut every time before running AgileBio ScanServer.

For the later FluidX IntelliCode™ Decodin version, please follow this configuration:
1. Select Preferences > Remote
2. In Connection Type field, ensure ” Winsock” is selected
3. If you have multiple network cards installed then select the appropriate one from the IP address drop-down.

Note: Once you have configured your settings as needed, if you check “Remote on boot” then FluidX IntelliCode™ will automatically boot to remote mode using your settings.

4. Click on Go

Under AgileBio ScanServer, use the tab Options.

In General section, leave values by default. The server port is the same as in LabCollector setup.
Check the box Autostart if you want to start scanning using Samples Batch Tools Add-on.

In FluidX section, IP address and Port are by default.

Check your firewall about the Ports security.

Now, you are ready to scan your rack!

1. Start your scanner and run “RemoteEnable.bat” shortcut.
2. Open AgileBio Scan Server.
3. Start AgileBio ScanServer process

4. In Samples Batch Tools Add-on, choose in the list the rack that you setup in LabCollector, then click on Scan! button, the rack/box map preview appears, then Process to complete the import.

JAVA has to be updated to allow to the Scan! button to be active.

In the option part, you can select the rack origin:

  • Based on the template [choose a template to apply] – new in v5.4
  • New tube rack or existing rack with direct barcode read
  • Existing tube rack, enter the rack ID/barcode corresponding
  • Replicate existing rack, select tube rack/box in the list. In this case, the box will be saved as secondary storage of existing samples.