How to Use SDS Maker? - LabCollector

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LabCollector offers a powerful SDS (Safety Data Sheet) Maker feature that allows users to create, customize, and manage SDS templates for reagents and supplies. This article will guide you through the process of using the SDS Maker feature, including creating templates, setting default templates, customizing template backgrounds, editing templates, and attributing SDS templates to your reagent/supply records.

  • Accessing SDS Maker
  • Creating SDS Templates
  • Printing SDS Files

Read our KB on how to start with Reagents & Supplies module.

Accessing SDS Maker:

To access SDS Maker, simply navigate to Tools -> SDS Maker.

You will then encounter the following page (see screenshot below):


Please refer to the numbered sections above to understand each corresponding aspect of the SDS Maker interface:

  1. Template list: Located in the left corner of your screen, this section displays a list of existing templates.
  2. Name: The first column of the main “Templates” table showcases the names of your templates.
  3. Box title border: This column indicates whether each template has a box border around the titles. A green checkmark is displayed for templates with the border activated, while a red cross signifies those without it.
  4. Background color title: Here, you can view the hex color code of the title background for each template.
  5. Default template: In this column, you can identify which templates are set as default. The default template is used when generating an SDS file for a given record.
  6. Actions: Various actions can be executed for each template:
    • : The green play button allows you to set a template as the default.
    • : The pen icon permits you to modify a template.
    • : The trash icon enables you to delete a template. A warning message will appear to confirm the deletion.

7. Create a new template: Click the blue button to create a new template.

8. Rows per page: You can adjust the number of lines displayed per page by selecting your preferred option.


Creating SDS Templates:

To Create a new SDS Template, simply click on one of the two buttons (as displayed on the screenshot below):

You will then get a pop-up with several options to configure:

Please refer to the numbered sections above to understand each corresponding aspect of the pop-up:

  1. Template name: Enter the name of your template in this field.
  2. Category: Assign a category to your template for easy organization. These categories can be created and customized by simply navigating to LabCollector’s main menu, then to Preferences -> Reagents & Supplies.

     3. Choose whether to include a box border around the title section of the PDF generated from this template. Select “Yes” or “No” accordingly.

4. Select color for background title: Customize the background color of the title section by selecting a color from the palette or entering a hex code.

5. Save: Once you’ve configured the template settings to your preference, click “Save” to apply the changes and create the new template.

Once you’ve saved your new template, it will be automatically added to your list of templates. From there, simply click on the template to begin configuring its various fields.

Each template contains distinct categories, such as Identification, Hazard Identification, First-Aid Measures, Fire-Fighting Measures, and more.


To add a new field to each section, click on the green button . This action will prompt a pop-up window to appear, where you’ll need to input the following details: Type of field, Title name and Value.

You also have the option to access advanced configuration settings, where you can:

  • Select the type of separator between the title and value (colon, semicolon, period, comma, or break line).
  • Choose whether to include a space between the title and the value.
  • Add a break line before the title.
  • Add a break line after the value.

You can complete the setup for the remaining template sections (see screenshot below). Remember to click on to finalize the process.

Now that your template is prepared, you can preview it by clicking on the blue eye icon located next to the template’s name. You will then need to select one of your records from the Reagents & Supplies module.

Printing SDS Files:

To print the SDS files, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Reagents and Supplies module.
  2. Select the desired record.
  3. Go to the “Risks and Safety” tab.
  4. Click on “Print from SDS Template”.
  5. This action will automatically generate a PDF file.

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