Should I lock, archive or delete records? - LabCollector

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Should I lock, archive or delete records?

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Before deleting anything in LabCollector please consider the effect this will have on the compliancy status of your lab.
You have the option of archiving records or setting them to be read-only, and as a final option, you can delete records under certain conditions.
These options are only accessible to administrators and data owners.

Archive or Lock?

The Archival button on each record entry provides two options – to archive or to lock the record (make it read-only – this function is available for all licenses in versions 5.30 and 5.31 only.). Each option requires the user to provide a reason for this action.

Archive/hide record

The record will not be shown in search results unless it’s clearly indicated in the search parameters.
– Modification of the record will not be allowed.
– Records with Storage cannot be archived.

– This action can be reversed with the Unarchive button  if you search for your record by selecting Archived in the search filter Status as seen below.

Locking = Read-only option

A read-only or locked record will be shown in search results like any other record (Status = Read-only) but no modification will not be allowed on it.
– Locking a record is only reversible by the super-administrator. A reason to unlock is needed and will be archived in the version list.
– Records can only be duplicated, printed or memorized; the storage is always active (creation, modification, and deletion are possible).
– This option does not apply to the module Sequences. Records in this module can only be archived or deleted.

Please note that in order to be able to lock your records, you must first check the compliance box corresponding to that exact module, simply navigate to Admin -> Other -> Record Options (see screenshot below).



Don’t confuse deletion and archiving of records. Deleted records are entirely removed. Archived records are stored in the database, but hidden from normal use.

– You have to remove associated storage and links before deletion.
– Also, deleting a record is not possible if more than 5 actions have been performed with the record.
– You cannot delete a record if it has a link with the ELN, Workflow manager or LSM add-ons (v5.4 and above).
– Information about the deleted record is retained in the audit trail.

Be Careful note
Please note that you have to remove associated storage, links, maintenance (in EQ module) and lots (in CH module) before deletion.

To select the user levels allowed to delete records, navigate to Admin -> Setup -> Access Permissions, (see screenshot below) please note that non-admin users can only delete their own records.

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