How to link a custom module to LSM? - LabCollector

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LSM (Lab Service Manager) add-on is for service/test labs to manage sample and test information. LSM add-on now allows to link custom module into job level in LSM.

To connect a custom module follow the below steps.

1. Create a Custom module

2. Attach modules in LSM

3. Use the linked custom module

1. Create a Custom module

  • LabCollector comes with default modules that help you in your inventory system.
  • However, if you require a module that is not present in the default module, you can create a custom module.
  • To create a custom module go to ADMIN -> DATA -> CUSTOM MODULE
    *Read out KB on how to create a custom module.
  • For example, if you are doing tests related to PCR, you might need a module called PCR which you can link into LSM add-on, while doing the tests.
    Below is an example image of the module.

2. Attach modules in LSM

  • To attach the custom module in LSM go to ADMIN -> SETUP -> ATTACHED MODULES

  • 1. This option allows you to link the custom module of your choice from the drop down list.
  • 2. Here you can add a field of choice, that is present inside the custom module.
  • 3. Here you can choose another field of choice that is present inside the custom module.
  • 4. You can check this box if you want to make the custom module option, mandatory to be filled in jobs section in LSM. A small red asterisk sign will be seen on from of the custom module name.
  • 5. Once you are done with the settings, you can click on save.
  • Note: you can attach more than one custom module in LSM.

3. Use the linked custom module

  • Now when you go to JOB -> ADD JOB, you will see the custom module at the job level.
  • Above image is just an example, you will see the options you have configured in LSM.
  • You can select the information from the drop drown or by typing the first letters of the field that you want.
  • If your field doesn’t exist then you can click on the + sign to add a new record inside the custom module.

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