How do I print the Audit log list from LSM? - LabCollector

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How do I print the Audit log list from LSM?

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Log list (Audit)


This option allows you to print the complete list of audit logs done by users in LSM add-on. It gives you the information about all the changes or edits, the name of the user who did the changes, ID number, information modified along with the username and the IP address from where the LabCollector was accessed. This audit log list makes it very efficient to track the changes in the LSM which can be useful during the audit of the lab procedures.

  • Go to ADMIN > Log.

  • Click on print
  • A new page with the list of Audit trail will open.


In LabCollector, you can export your audit trail for record-keeping and compliance. To do this, go to Admin > Other > Audit Trail. Look for the export icon highlighted in the screenshot below and click on it to download the audit trail file.

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