How to customize the look of LSMRemote? - LabCollector

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LSMRemote now allows to change the font and button colors on the login page. This allows for better customization for your lab and related themes.

1. Font Family

2. Button colors

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Cancel
Be Careful note
*Remember for changing all the above options you need access to config.ini. You need to be superadmin to access config.ini feature.
*Please refer to the Knowledge Base on config.ini file in LSMRemote.

1. Font Family

  • LSMRemote now offers various types of fonts that you can apply for your login page.
  • You need to go to LSMREMOTE -> CONFIG.IN
    *Please refer to the Knowledge Base on config.ini file in LSMRemote.
  • Generally, it is the Arial font, however now you can choose from the dropdown list of various fonts.
  • You need to save by clicking on the small green checkmark button.
  • Once you select your font, all your LSMRemote, from login page and each pages will change into the selected font.

2. Button colors

Primary button colors

  • You can now change the color of the primary buttons on the login page of the LSMRemote.
  • By default it will be blueish in color.
  • You need to go to LSMREMOTE -> CONFIG.IN
    *Please refer to the Knowledge Base on config.ini file in LSMRemote.
  • You can click for the primary button color, which will open the color options pop-up. You an select the color by dragging he left bar and then select the shade by moving the small Circle on the color box. 
  • You can also choose from the given set of colors.
  • The primary buttons on login will look like below, for example.

Secondary button colors

  • You can now change the color of the Secondary buttons on the login page of the LSMRemote.
  • By default it will be orangish in color.
  • You have to follow the same process as primary button color.
  • Select the Secondary button color options.
  • The secondary color options will look like below.

Cancel button colors

  • You can now change the color of the cancel buttons in LSMRemote.
  • You have to follow the same process as primary button color, under the cancel option.
  • Select the cancel button color options.
  • The cancel button inside the LSMRemote “Submit button” page and inside Patient/Job registration pages the “Clear” button will be seen in the color you chose.

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