How to create a processing report in LSM? - LabCollector

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If you are a test lab then making reports from the test is an integral part of your everyday work.  The Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on in LabCollector allows you to make report templates.  Where you can use dynamic field pointer to create fields to be filled in the report.

Processing template can be used for internal purposes by the laboratory to have more information on test. It can include what reagents where used, what protocol steps were followed, etc.

Click the link to see more about result & invoice templates.

To generate a processing report you need to follow these steps.
1. Creating a Processing report template
2. Linking a Processing report to test
3. Generating a Processing report

1. Creating a Processing report template

  • You need to first create a processing report template.
    *Please see the knowledgebase on how to create report.
  • You can use the text editor to create or edit the report to configure it as you like.
    *Please see the knowledgebase on how to edit a report.
  • When you create the report, you can use various dynamic tags to be filled in the report.
    *Please see the knowledgebase on how to edit a report.
  • For example the processing template will look like below

2. Linking a Processing report to test

  • To do so you need to create a test.
    *See our knowledgebase on how to create a test.
  • 1. ADMIN -> PREFERENCES -> TEST, you can edit or create a test, where you will get an option to link report to that test.
  • 2. Also remember to add the processing parameters, these will be the ones, whose information will be visible in the processing report. For example, like below image.

    Be Careful note
    Take care to attach the template for “Processing template” only, as the result template is the one that uses template to show results. Also processing parameters need to be linked and filled in order to have the values in processing template.

3. Generating a Processing report