Export and print models - LabCollector

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Export and print models

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This function is accessible to super-administrator and administrators under ADMIN > Preferences > Export setup & models.

Models can be created to export data from different modules.
1. Give a name to your model.
2. Choose the file format between HTML, CSV, XML, Excel, and pdf format in the select list.
3. Select the module where you want to create the export model.
4. Choose fields that you want to export using the ADD ALL/REMOVE ALL buttons or by dragging and dropping them in the Export fields column.
5. Save your model using the UPDATE button.
6. If you need to modify a model, use this button to upload and update it.

Use these models to export quickly your result search in each module.

To export current and past orders, following a specific model each time, use the tab Purchase Orders Export Models. Repeat the same steps than above.

Models to print your data can be created in the same way.
1. Give a name to your model
2. If you need a space to sign your print record, select YES.
3. Choose the module where you want to create the print model
4. Choose fields that you want to export by drag and drop or using the buttons Add All and Remove All.
5. Update (Save) this model
6. If you need to modify a print model, use this button to upload and update it.

Use these models to print your result search in each module.