How to Install Sensors on ULT Freezers? - LabCollector

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Maintaining precise and consistent temperature control is of utmost importance in laboratory and medical settings, especially when it comes to low temperature applications ranging from -80°C to -196°C. This is where low temperature sensors come in handy.

These sensors find extensive use in the storage of biological samples, frozen tissues, vaccines, and much more. In research laboratories, they play a crucial role in studying the effects of low temperatures on materials and exploring the properties of superconducting materials.

Atwe offer PT100 sensors that cater to Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) situations, such as ULT freezers, refrigerators, and coolers for temperature ranges below -40°C. Our sensors can withstand extreme low-temperature conditions as low as -200°C and have a calibrated accuracy of +/- 0.5°C. Our sensors are ideal for use in Liquid Nitrogen Systems (-196°C) and -80°C freezers, ensuring efficient and reliable temperature control.


You can purchase our sensors directly from our Storage Accessories e-shop. Don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our data loggers & sensors and how they can help take your research to the next level. We’re here to help you achieve your scientific goals, every step of the way.


Below are some steps that you can follow to successfully install a sensor:

  1. Choose a Suitable Sensor
  2. Find a Suitable Location
  3. Install the Sensor
  4. Monitor the Sensor

Step 1. Choose a Suitable Sensor

Atwe offer a range of sensors to fit different temperature monitoring needs. Before installation, choose the sensor that best suits your application. For example, our PT100 sensors has a temperature range of -200°C to 0°C / -328°F to 32°F and an accuracy of +/- 0.5°C calibrated.

Step 2. Find a Suitable Location

The installation location is crucial for accurate temperature monitoring. You should choose a location that provides a representative measurement of the storage temperature of the freezer. Avoid placing the sensor near the freezer door or in areas that experience temperature fluctuations.

  • If your ULT freezer is vertical, you can usually find a hole in the back of the freezer, covered by a round cap (please refer to number 3 in the image below). This hole provides access to the interior of the freezer. If the hole is frozen over, it may be necessary to defrost it or drill a new passage. A knock-out hole can also be found on top (number 1) or to the side of the freezer (number 2).

  • If the freezer is horizontal, you can usually access the interior by removing the command panel on the right or left side, revealing a space where the round cap is located (as shown in the image below).

  • If your model does not have these holes, you can still insert the sensor through the door. Some models have a small indent in the insulation joint that allows the sensor to be inserted (as shown in the image below).

Be Careful note
Ensure the sensor is installed in a suitable location and that the sensor’s cable is not pinched or crushed when the door is shut.

Step 3. Install the Sensor

After selecting a suitable location, you can proceed with the sensor installation:

  1. Remove the sensor from the packaging and make sure you have all the necessary components, including (1x RTD box, 1x PT-100 sensor and 1x 1m cable RJ12), as shown in the image below:
  2. You can input your sensor’s data into LabCollector. This is a simple process that involves selecting the appropriate sensor model and configuring the necessary settings, visit our KB to learn more on how you can set up your Data Logger in LabCollector.
  3. If your freezer has a predrilled knockout, simply insert the probe and seal the knockout using a grommet or silicone.
  4. If you need to drill a hole yourself, make sure to avoid areas containing coils or other crucial operating parts. A 6mm hole should then be drilled and the probe inserted and secured inside the freezer using a grommet or silicone to seal the hole.
Be Careful note

AgileBio is not responsible for any damage that may occur by drilling the hole. To explore this possibility, please check with your freezer’s manufacturer.

……..6. If the probe’s wire needs to be run through the door seal, caution should be taken to avoid pinching or crushing the wire when the door is shut.

……..7. After installation, it is important to test the functionality of the sensor by ensuring it can communicate with the data logger.

……..8. Finally, the RTD box can be mounted using the supplied screws or double-sided tape. Any leakages should be prevented by applying silicone as necessary.

Step 4. Monitor the Sensor

Once the sensor is installed and calibrated, you can start monitoring the temperature data. Configure the monitoring system to suit your needs by using our Data Logger add-on , set up alerts to notify you if the temperature goes beyond the pre-defined range, and schedule regular maintenance checks to ensure the sensor is functioning correctly.

Proper installation of a temperature monitoring system is critical for maintaining the quality and safety of products and ensuring regulatory compliance. By understanding the key factors to consider when selecting and installing a system, our sensors can help you mitigate the risks of temperature excursions and prevent costly product/sample losses, visit our Storage Accessories e-shop to learn more.

We hope this guide helps you install yoursensors. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the following email address [email protected]

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