What are fields in LabCollector? - LabCollector

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Fields are present inside each module and add-ons.
These fields help to insert more informations about the records.
Check our KnowledgeBase on what are records.
Below is the sample of fields inside strains and cells module when you click on .

  • They are present inside each module and add-on.
  • Generally, when you open a module you see the page with no records. When you just click on the ‘New Record’ icon, you will see the fields like above.
  • Once you save the record you can see the fields when you click on record name. For example, a PBS buffer record in the reagent & supplies module.
  • Some fields are present by default in each module. These are called “Default fields”.
  • However, if you want to add or organize a new field you can go to  ADMIN -> DATA
  • A. The default fields you can organize or select the options that you want as default.
  • B. The custom field will allow you to create fields of your choice.
    *Read our knowledge Base on how to create a custom field.
  • C. The field order option allows you to rearrange the position of the fields in modules.


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