Sample barcode batch printing from a job in LSM

SUMMARY: Lab Service management (LSM) add-on offers various possibilities to print barcodes.  You can check our KB to see how to print Protocols, Parameters, Sample Types, Test Equipment list, Log list (Audit), Job list, Requesters, Users from LSM. To print … Continued

DYMO labels in LSM

LSM v3.217 offers new labels for DYMO and batch printing. To see how to customize DYMO label tags, check our this KB. To go to settings of labels for printing go to LSM–>Admin–>Barcode labels–> DYMO printing.   1. In “numbering option” … Continued

How do I print the Audit log list from LSM?

Log list (Audit)   This option allows you to print the complete list of audit logs done by users in LSM add-on. It gives you the information about all the changes or edits, the name of the user who did … Continued

How do I print job list from LSM?

Job lists printing This option allows you to print the full list of jobs used in the lab. It gives you all the information about who created the job, its status, priority level, requester, operator, if the sample is shipped … Continued

How do I print from LSM?

LSM makes printing easy by allowing to print various options as stated below. In LSM you have the option to print the following lists: Protocols Parameters Sample Types Test Equipment list Log list (Audit) Job list Requesters  Users  Protocols, parameters, … Continued

How do I print Equipment list from LSM?

Equipment printing This option allows you to print the full list of equipment used in the lab. It gives you all the information about the equipment location, brand serial number and the person in charge of handling the equipment. It … Continued

How do I print records?

Printing records To print records from any of the modules go to the “Print” option in the selected record. A new page will appear where you can select options: 1. A model can be selected in a preformatted list. See … Continued