How to Install Sensors on ULT Freezers?

Maintaining precise and consistent temperature control is of utmost importance in laboratory and medical settings, especially when it comes to low temperature applications ranging from -80°C to -196°C. This is where low temperature sensors come in handy. These sensors find … Continued

How to setup your Data Logger in LabCollector?

Data Logger is one of LabCollector’s add-ons, it is a network-based application that allows you to monitor and control storage equipment temperature, humidity, CO2, and other data from a centralized location. With Data Logger, you can also connect any type … Continued

How to Setup Alerts in Data Logger?

Data Logger is one of LabCollector’s powerful add-ons, a network-based application that allows you to monitor and control your storage temperature, humidity and CO2 levels or any other data from a centralized location. Data Logger provides you with the ability … Continued

Quick WiFi configuration for OW-Server WiFi

Configuration of the OW-SERVER_v2-WiFi (USB flash drive, basic configuration) Using a USB cable with a micro USB connector on one side, connect the OW-SERVER-WIFI-2 to your computer. The flash drive should have a file named “CONFIG.TXT”.   1. Open this … Continued

OW-Server WiFi manual

Please find here the complete manual for OW-Server WiFi manual from Embedded Data Systems.

OW-Server Quick start guide

Getting started with the OW-SERVER can be done by following a few steps. Please review all steps in this guide to ensure you will have everything ready to complete the setup. 1. Apply power to the OW-SERVER. The green PWR/ACT LED … Continued

OW-Server ENET manual

Please find here the complete manual for configuration of the OW-SERVER-ENET from Embedded Data Systems.