How to do a backup of LabCollector database?

SUMMARY: LabCollector allows you to backup your data. This helps you to always have a backup incase something happens to the computer and you loose data on your computer. LabCollector includes a backup system allowing you to save to an … Continued

How to memorize and download items from modules?

SUMMARY: LabCollector offers you to memorize items and export them. This can be very helpful when you want to export certain selected items. Let’s say that you want to export a list of certain reagents. LabCollector offers to memorize these … Continued

How to export search results

SUMMARY: Each module in LabCollector provides you an option to export data. After conducting a search for results in LabCollector, the search can be exported in several formats. There are several options for exporting search results: 1. Standard export 2. Maintenance … Continued